
would you marry a girl who slept around

You still come right? spoken likea girl who has slept with a lot men. Not all of those events are going to be good in retrospect, but not all will be bad either. Notoriety. I think this line of thought has been promoted as she said she's "only slept with one person this year" in a serious way when I have only slept with one person my whole life. Personally, my vengeance on society telling me what to think about sex is to have as much of it as I can. Would you REALLY want to buy that car after you heard that? I wont judge a woman based on her sexual history but Im keeping it real 100%, its going to make it VERY hard for me to trust you. It assumes that all women have slept with more partners than I would find comfortable (far from correct), and that the only way I could end up happy and not lonely is to settle down and marry someone. have the ability to make the best choices for herselfimpulse control Thank you Jessica : ) and you raise an awesome point. for their partners. Wouldnt you want Stephan says my past shouldnt matter, so there!. esp on the parent side of things. And, neither are women programmed in any way, shape or form to share their mates! Though speaking of Google searches, a quick one turned up that you have posted on several articles which discuss the same topic with the same username, so it would seem that a job and a life are sorely lacking in your case (it seems you feel the need to respond to anyone with anything to say on the matter). My guy has never even brought it up so thats how I know hes not insecure. Thats why they say check the Carfax. By the help of the Queen mother _= A RUNS GIRL TURNS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE !!! I loved this article. or do I want that same wear and tear from sleeping with me 200 times?? I just hope everyone receives it correctly, Respect his article but I totally disagree. When I met a man that claimed to have slept with 150+ women and a woman that slept with 50+ men, its no wonder we have broken families, stds, and little girls like Amber Cole becoming prevalent. The world is hard on us women. I am just as human as the next person and want to be treated as such. He is happy, so should the number hold that much power and the relationship end? Never trust someone who doesnt change within those 10 years. The point is that not every woman (far from it) has a past full of sluttiness. Its a number but the bigger problem is the emotional baggage and damage that it leaves on a woman thats really hurtful to her partner, the man she ends up being with will have to deal with. This article is not saying to just have sex with whoever and everybody should accept it. But its so true guys have to work harder. lol but seriously men and women should be viewed the same. Also as I stated, women know that regardless of this article most men will judge them. Take care. Tighter in actuality isnt always better. Finally, above all else RESPECT HER!!! GOD absolutely knows more than I can ever imagine or begin to comprehend, but I think you are not properly receiving the message of this article. Whats the point of man or woman sleeping with so many partners??? I was like this guy is a genius, supporting whorish ways but I understand you completely. Sex isnt an act that comes with an inherent morality- the ethical implications of sex all depend on the context. i must say im a hypocrite on this one. and who or what is the judge of what bettering yourself even is? 806 8067 22 Registered Office: Imperial House, 2nd Floor, 40-42 Queens Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 3XB, Taking a break or withdrawing from your course, FFS IDK WT HAPND 2MY QUESTION AND I DIDNT GET TO READ THE REPSONSE IF U HAVE As @ BIO, 2023 entry A100 / A101 Medicine fastest and slowest offer senders, TSR Community Awards 2022: Favourite Oldie - VOTING OPEN, BBC Fast Track Production Apprenticeships 2023. Past DOES matter. HOWEVER, if the candidate was honest about their past and they were suitable, they stand as good a chance as any. Shes going to be somebodys wife or girlfriend, because he values her more than his immature philosophy. You make an excellent point when you speak on how many women have adopted this way of thinking. Thoughtful. Im not going to explain my sexual past or how many men Ive been with because at the end of the day IT DOES NOT MATTER!!!! Men are perfectly within their rights, when choosing a mate to spend the rest of their lives with and mother their children, to choose a women who is not only kind and intelligent, but also has not lived a life full of promiscuity and whorish behavior. Here, we have a beautiful quiz for you. I agree with you. I think its best to know what youre dealing with but at the same it doesnt matter because who they are today should speak volumes. & What makes it worse is even most women have adopted this way of thinking ! You are not. Generally speaking, women can have sex with whoever they choose, the same cannot be said for men. They go to interview for a job, should the employer now say, hey even though the person you present to us today is worthy of the job, we heard that you failed the ninth grade and that shows that we cant trust you to be what we need you to be. That example uses the same principle you are trying to stand on. Rich, sexual prowess and even sexual organ size And, we've all sinned a lot. Thanks for sharing! By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Many women have overlooked certain needs just to be able to get themselves married. Im not saying that my hoe friends shouldnt find a great man one day but damn, if they saw them now theyd never get wifed. I go to a state school & am constantly reminded that its a small world. You can question the theory of evolution, or gravity, or anything else, but your questioning doesnt impugn their validity. The DNA basically latches on to your brain and works its way into your On genetic make up. sacrifice some of your freedom (not a ridiculous amount), give them access to Sorry but it is a cutoff and a major factor in a potential mate. Why is that so conveniently forgotten? Good for you dear, Im happy for you, and your relationship, but the fact is, the more partners a woman has had, the less likely her marriage is to last. So it isnt the actual number that really matters, it is what her behaviors displays due to her experiences or for whatever reason. If this sub of all places tells me it's a bad idea I still might go through with it anyway even if at that point it should be 100% decided that it's a bad idea. I lost my virginity to a girl who had been with lots of guys before me. So when a woman just gives it away for free rather than making men work for it, she is viewed in a less favorable light. In addition, last time I checked, a woman is not a car to be driven. She has turned away from that since, but would you still feel you should hold this over her head? Men are sure as hell trying to do it now! Be open, talk about your wants, your needs, your boundaries. To give you all an example I will use myself because I honestly couldnt care less what you think about me. Have you heard of Google? Numbers mean nothing. I was horrified but because I did not want to be judgmental and because we were already together I stuck it out. She's independent, classy, carries herself well, acts like a lady, has standards for who she sleeps with, doesn't disclose unnecessary information about her sex life, and she certainly doesn't let men disrespect her, because she respects herself. If she doesnt treat sex with respect then shes not going to consider it to be a big deal when she hooks up with someone else and leaves you wondering why you just wasted two years of your life with her. But she was still a really nice lady, and from what I hear pretty good at sex. And realize having sex with a lot of people has its consequence you cant always have your cake and eat it too so **** smart and **** protected. ', This affirms the theory that women only see high tier males. its not my pussy they love right my personality and attitude. Its difficult. You are right about the emotional attachment. All I am saying in the article is that who she once was isnt always who she is now. I will say though, that a persons past is their past and a more salient question is how many people have you slept with in the last year? or what is your attitude to sex right now?. Great burger? Anyone who tells you different is selling something or a rabid feminist. Theres no extra rewards to it. Humans have emotions. No way either of us could get bored and look elsewhere!! Hello Stephen I think we should all face reality Modern times, have If I understand this post correctly, it is saying when you are down or depressed then it is perfectly fine to make mistakes in life that can cost you later. I had to change my ways in order to fit into society or else I would be an outcast and forever alone. What if I were to continue with her and have kids? Theres timing to all things, even discussion about lovers. If she isnt what you need her to be currently, then of course keep it moving. University of Virginia says it does matter if you want a happy marriage. It matters to me because I purposely don't sleep around. weird, isn't it. So youre in love and want the relationship to work. So in my opinion the way to ensure more virgins and keep women in that box is to slander anyone that steps outside of that. She is the woman who gets stereotyped as a slut simply because she likes to fuck around. I completely disagree with your statement that most women divorce because they have affairs. You can mutter no, no, no as long as you want, but that doesnt change evolution. A mess you gonna have these women out here single and lonely.. Lol hold up, I didnt write Why I go through his phone that was a guest blogger (OnlyOneHeaven.com) but I did write this article. Who you decide to lay down with and the things that you and them both have going on matters more than numbers. And guess what, in case you hadnt noticed, men and women are different. You never know what a persons background isunless they tell you. When we first met, we did the whole discovery thing about each other and kind of asked about our pasts like two weeks into the relationship she mentioned she was with 10 guys or soI said about the same, I have to admit that I typically used that as a way to see if this person is a potential long time mate, same moral values, etc we were in our early twentiesThis woman became my one and only a month into itwhen you know, you just know!6 months into our relationship she tells me she has something to talk about, I say oklet me have it. Ive never gone out just looking for sex, and I prefer to feel connection with someone. if you're concerned about self-destructive behavior, you need to actually understand what that is and isn't before you start judging people. Your experience may vary. They are always controlled and can never be trusted at all because they will get around and bang lots of men. That will not change because of Americas pseudo progressive culture. Regardless what women think or how women seal most men would never accept or be comfortable with their mate havent slept with 30/100,000,000 in her lifetime. Not every girl will be good for you, but if you can get the one that's right for you, your marriage life is going to be great. Tell that to employers who are hiring new employees. At the end of the day we all have to decide what is most important. Isnt it women who tell men & society: You cant tell me what to do w/ my body?Especially when it comes to pregnancy & abortion?Therefore women are admitting that having a womb comes w/ having more responsibility. 20 partners in 25 years? I agree. Now lets imagine you want to buy a car and you go to the dealership and you see a car that you really like and the salesman tells you that the car that you feel is so beautiful and would make such a great addition to your life has 289,832 miles on it (NOTE: before the comments flow in about what if the car only had one previous owner, which Id be more than happy to discuss, for the sake of this article this is only to focus on the number of miles). If I find out a girl I am dating has slept with 50+ people at a young age, shes gone. I see it all the time. This article is not about telling woman to do as they please or to promote promiscuity. No problem. downward but thats not a bad thing. As a GF or a FB, then men dont care what her count is. If they have changed and you feel some sort of potential, give them a chance. How you view intimacy, and love, and sex matters. This might sound harsh but we make quite a few harsh jokes towards each other it's jut our sense of humor; when things like this have come up I've made jokes about her being a thot(slang that is mostly synonymous with slut but easier to use in a joking manner and less hurtful) and she's made jokes about her self in that light literally calling herself a thot and as far as I could tell it hasn't hurt her feelings. Its not just your vagina you need to worry about think about your health. OK maybe not free you might need to tell her its OK were all equal ect ect so some effort is involved to get sex. Im seeing this guy and hes super hesitant bc he doesnt know the exact # of people I have been with. By that point, Hucknall had apparently slept with . Have you been on cdc.gov lately or follow @cdcstd on twitter? I completely understand your position on having a right to judge. This is why a woman can get almost any guy to have sex with her but men have to work at getting a woman to agree to have sex him. I think most people say they dont judge but subconsciously do it by playing into these stereotypes or generalizations. were. Women behave as sluts for many reasons. Not only wasnt my dad in my life basically I got to the point where I was screwing a man using me I was gon do the using. There is not much left. I hope you come in awareness. Because most men are not comfortable, this is why many women lie about it. Hello Stephan, thank you for answering me. I wouldnt. Well said. With that said, I am not saying the numbers are the reason for her behavior because as I mentioned before, I agree that she was or islikelypromiscuous as a result of some underlying issue but I do see a correlation between the higher numbers and their view of whats acceptable behavior in a committed relationship. I feel like my bf doesn't love me anymore and it scares me. She inadvertently shows why dudes dont want to settle down with women who participate in hookup culture. If she has cheated in the past honestly that might just be an automatic deal breaker regardless of circumstances. So try again to express your desire to know the truth no matter how tough of a pill it is to swallow. Not everyone is like me but some people are and you never know who you will fall in love with in the future. I disagree. Men like to know what theyre investing in is rare. It tells men to be skinny jean wearing pussies (the opposite of what women really want) and women to be whores and sluts (who no man will ever commit to). The number of sexual partners a woman has had does not determine what type of woman she is. There are women who have been with one man, and have gotten an STD. Normally the good man doesnt have half the number of the slut girl. Not really. Quick history on my Oh sure, I agree. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FaceBook INC. Stephan Speaks | All Rights Reserved 2020. What youre looking at is her psychology. This is a common question on all first dates; keeping more information private saves more hearts and feelings. Choosing a good partner can have a major impact on your well-being. Sad to say that women nowadays are sleeping around more than men do. Thank you so much : ) I really appreciate that. I completely agree to everything you said.. I will definitely address it and I hope you let me know what you think when that time comes : ). Another reader mentioned that the man may have the fear of bumping into a past sex partner, but theres also the fear that her past really hasnt passed. Some will find some way to not count certain experiences so that they can say a lower number (ex: she was drunk, it was really bad, he never finished, it didnt last long enough, etc). So when women say that having sex with lots of men is somehow acting like men, they are wrong. has slept with. It has been made apart of this life, but not apart of eternal life..We have one teacher here that JESUS and HE knows more about the subject than you do.In The Book of Hebrews 13:4 Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers GOD will judge. He willingly suffered and took our punishment for our sin upon Himself. If the person is still exhibiting behavior that does not line up with your values then by all means keep it moving. She is everything you would want a woman to be, and you feel an awesome connection with her. My body doesn't want anyone else when I love someone. And I ask you, why ride the Datson if youre looking for the Benz? You would have to be in it to understand. And any woman Research this and spread the word help the future generations from this. old.) Most of you would reply yes. Negative because men come in all different shapes and sizes so the wear and tear would never change when sleeping with the same male 100 times. All in all I just dont feel we should be looking at the amount of men least. The past is relevant. In The Bible also JESUS is calling people to LOVE, because LOVE hides our unperfections and we can still have a great relationship without being like every Tom Dick and Harry, but like JESUS. Never thought at 39 there would be so many issues when going into a relationship but I am learning quickly. I want to marry someone different from me: a woman. Yall remember the movie House Party.when Bernie Mac remembered ole boys wife at the dinner table.smh They use to call you jawbones.lmaaaaaaaaaaaaaao nahhhh.Ill pass on all that. your such a b.s artist because you know in todays society get to much lead way with that b.s. Next!! Also many people dont realize there are tips for men who are not well endowed to still be able to bring a lot of pleasure to their wives. It is actually a fact that the more partners a woman has had, the more likely the marriage is to fail, source:https://socialpathology.blogspot.com/2010/09/sexual-partner-divorce-risk.html Although hes been with girls that are tighter than I, he comes quicker, harder, and more intensely and immensely because of his emotional towards me. He did this by washing His disciples feet and telling them to do likewise. I am confident that you two will overcome this and have a much better relationship now that counseling is in the picture. I am coming from a place that is old-minded and is small island, so something like dis should spoil your name and make u feel embarassed even if for you wasnt that big deal.. On d other hand tho you cant judge a woman by that, but society does, no matter what so its better to think wisely before you do. In fact, you should give yourself time to grieve the sin (Ecclesiastes 3:4; 2 Corinthians 7:10). Shadow Hunter-Stay in Touch. No. In this life, moral responsibility will offer you far, far more than even being able to regain what you may have lost, even following reconciliation. Marriage is a serious commitment intended to last a lifetime. I like her a lot cause she is smart, funny, outgoing, pretty, and we just have the exact same sense of humor and get along better than I do with almost anyone in my life as we're really similar people. May I pose a question: of the following three women, all the same age (27) and started having sex at the same age (17), who is more sexually experienced? That little double-standard pointing finger that got as part of your hand needs to do a serious u-turn back to the purity? At this point a # seems like the least of my worries. She is 20 years old and lost her virginity at 18 to the first relationship. So again, my opinion is that putting so much weight on the actual number is a mistake. love you back! Furthermore, I think that guys that dont care about their partners Hah! All the sudden, I stopped wanting to sleep around and it was no longer enjoyable. This doesnt mean women should go out and freely have sex with any and every person. Anything I understand the value of myself, we all make mistakes, but the underline issue is not excused for neither party. And there you have it. If alpha men dont want to get married, they certainly dont have to, as some believe it is an outdated institution, and with the number of slutty women running rampant these days, choose to take advantage of these short-term prospects. So the past could be the the reason they have a story to tell. If you want to compete with this rest of the world then by all means go right ahead, Ill get in line right behind Wesley Pipes. Why do you like her? Given that correlation I can understand why if a man knows thatshes got more points than Wilt Chamberlain, he chooses not to waste his time because chances are they wont see eye to eye. Much more women than ever are sleeping around these days. There is no way in hell that I can possess every great quality of all 15 of those men, and none of the flaws. I do not hold it again them because I am not exactly a virgin either. A woman who have slept with a hundred man might b stretched to her limit physically and a man who has slept with a hundred women might just lose his fervour in d bedroom physical and mentally as well. MANY women who love sex also have self-respect, and choose to save that wonderful sex for relationships, and loved ones. In my opinion, it kinda shows what type of person you are and how much respect you have for yourself. Its safe to say that we feel/felt that way about each other. Excellent point of view. I understand a lot of what you have said and certain points are valid. Alpha men who are looking for long-term partners are free to choose whomever they want, and they have the choices available to do so. She told me one instance where she went to a party and simply grabbed some random guy there and went into a room with him to have sex, and she was fully conscious not drunk. It is simply saying that when a man comes across a woman who has had this kind of past that judging her based solely on that is in my opinion not the best approach for determining if she really is the woman for him. Its just societal ideals and norms. I think you deserve to know the truth. It's always great to reflect on this stuff. What girl will you marry? Theres a dirty shaming name for women whove had volumes of sex but only recently has there been a label for men that also have many sexual experiences with many partners. However, there can be consequences I feel hurt by the fact that she was promiscuous and so casual. to sex or you just think sex is okay and doesnt affect people much. The issue is beyond Disease Free, its the type of risk either party has been willing to takerather then except weather they can be Honest. Statistically, relationships and marriage are more likely to fall apart the younger you are. Dude, consider this: she's got the experience to know what she wants and what she doesn't want. The reason is that education and being over age 25 when first married are negatively correlated with divorce. Women, she says, tend to have an emotional connection with their lover and are more likely to have an affair because of loneliness. Why men are just saying fuck this and just fucking women and not giving a shit anymore ? Also Men sleeping around should be judged the same as Women sleeping around! Maybe instead of looking up information about "dating a slut," look up information like "like a girl but she has slept with many other guys." But until men realize that the more you all make advances towards us irregardless of what we declare we want, the more you promote promiscuity among your male circles, the more you all support the media that supports the sexual exploitation and objectification of women, then the more youll see women sleeping with a bunch of different men. If you hold on to those toxic mindsets, they will leak out. Fuckboys should marry women who slept around and end up opening the relationship when they will inevitably reach the point where they realize one dick or one vagina is no longer enough. Should the number of the day we all have to be judgmental because. Women who have been would you marry a girl who slept around but your questioning doesnt impugn their validity that counseling is in the article that! Or woman sleeping with me 200 times??????. 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