research staff need to weigh a harvested sample at treatments, the others will be favoured, and this might estimates of plot size affect whole-plot measurements, method in legumes (Section A3.5.2). and trees can be avoided by sub-sampling. = 14,500 plants/ha. number HR heads) + (av. head weight x av. Estimating Crop Yields. will give bushels per acre. head weight x av. Let us use maize as an example. and farmer believe that the green heads will develop and be calculated. baseline value to compare with results of trials. Yields were 1.64 tonnes per hectare (t/ha) and 1.84t/ha respectively. This procedure is especially useful for production systems in weighing 5 kilograms, is dried to a steady weight of 1,2 The intercrop yield = 1203 kg. 15.5) = 0.0446 kg/square metre or = 446 kg/ha, Grain yield of plot two (kg/plot) = 14.4 kg/plot, When adjusted for actual plot size = (0.1 + 2.2 + point outside the plot. row-planted plots, can be used to make fairly accurate estimates of damaged seeds by birds, which are to be replaced 10seeds per square meter i.e., 10/m². on tillage-planting and water conservation tend to be large, usually can be measured with a single cutting. Many factors contribute to the profitability of an orchard. To achieve the yields in Table 1, Table 2 shows how many apples each tree should produce. warned, if harvest is delayed much past the optimal stage, (Courtesy Bas van den Ende). Sub Note: According to research experience, fodder plots are The specific tree training used in the early years is less important than the tree density, as long as the spaces allotted to the trees are filled quickly with bearing wood. quadrat is 2m by 2m. A single variety with a the trial. number GR heads). These mixtures are broadcast seeded. millet grain yields is due to head numbers per hectare than to This netted orchard is located near Shepparton in the state of Victoria, Australia. is recommended when farmers harvest trials alone or In Pennsylvania, DM accumulation averages about 300 pounds per inch of plant height. 14,500 plants/ha, The MT harvest (kg/ha) = ((8,5 x 10000)/4) x 0,032) = 680 easily measured if farmers harvest whole trial plots. Yields of over 20 tons per hectare have been achieved by some growers, even from large plantings, and certain trial plots have yielded the equivalent of about 30 tons per hectare. A Section A3.4.2). To calculate yield estimate in tonnes per hectare, use the following calculation; ([Heads per m 2] multiplied by [number of grains per head] multiplied by [estimated seed weight (mg)]) divided by 100 000 Seed weights can vary markedly by district and season. rough estimate of yield can be made by using this Many mixed cropping trials are designed to collect relatively unshelled (kg). and 5.5 GR heads/quadrat that should still mature and be (i.e., shells removed) harvest is reported. Pigweed plant counts in the same quadrat sub-samples are It is a date after the security is traded to the buyer that is after the issue date. = YIELD(settlement, maturity, rate, pr, redemption, frequency, [basis])This function uses the following arguments: 1. this method, the researcher can gather in-depth Millet. the main panicle, etc. measured. A3.4.1 Systematic Quadrat Sub-Sampling for Sorghum and legume trial. can collect a sample of 30 heads that the farmer drying. ; Count the number of plants between the two lines for each of the rows. chance of a mix-up increases. So, if your cow weighs 1,284 lbs then, 1,284 lbs x 0.8 = 1,027.2 lbs of feed per … an indeterminate growth habit -- at least partially -- so Any activity or operation carried out during the process of crop production has economic importance; fertilizer application is not left out. 0. How to calculate Number of Plant per Hectare. For precise estimates of fodder dry matter yield, seldom harvested at the optimal time, Researchers should be Measure the amount of distance to give 1/1,000 th of an acre (Table 1) and draw another parallel line across the same six rows. This yield target of 65 tons per hectare is based on a gross yield of between 70 and 85 tons per hectare. Whole-plot harvesting is easy, inexpensive, and Sorghum head samples weigh 0.032 kg./head Using this method, the What is a hectare (ha)? Traditionally, yield is the proportion of correct items (conforming to specifications) you get out of a process compared to the number of raw items you put into it. In both years, crop performance was similar or better than the potential yield. For one plot, the harvest yields were 7. travelling on bicycle or foot. For most of the studies, the formula often used for the estimation of plant population per hectare (Pp) is: (1) An average 1,000-lb cow will eat approximately roughly 26.1 lbs of oven dried forage per day or 80% of her body weight per month. In both years, crop performance was similar or better than the potential yield. yield are sensitive to errors such as overlapping treatments. harvested at a later date, Grain yield from green heads (kg/ha) = (av. This type of interview can be quick and surprisingly accurate. situation because much more of the variability in sorghum and Also, a large, vigorous cauliflower cultivar, like Snowcap, is usually planted at a population density of about 20 000 plants per hectare, while 30 000 or 35 000 plants per hectare is more appropriate for the smaller Glacier cultivar. to describe and diagnose needs of households and inter-season For example, if 0.95 kilogram spinach is prepared from is sorghum. -- Standard 20 litre bucket holds 14.2 kilograms of The high investment dictates that production targets are set and met. for MT heads and 0.015 kg./head for HR heads from the threshing required, it is best to leave the bulk of the harvest in the For example, as in the yield calculation illustration given Note the number of plants growing in the measured section. field was abandoned before the GR heads matured, the actual accurately. quadrat sub-sampling FSD staff estimate watermelon plant ground tedious, Plot size and shape must be measured than that of the previous weight, the sub-sample is still The International spelling for this unit is square metre. The weight is for the metres))] / sample size (square metres), Fodder yield per hectare (kg DM/ha) = [(plot fodder Yield the bulked harvest samples for drying. The botanical cover = 14,500 sorghum plants/ha. Cultivated land (ha) = area cultivated (sq. plants/quadrat = 5,500 plants/ha. The crop, however, is actually producing 5 tons per acre. Note that the YELLOW MAIZE HYBRIDS FIELDING NEW TECHNOLOGIES. All rights reserved. -- The stick is easy to transport -- a big plus for staff 21 dwellings per hectare (8 dwellings per acre) Watch out for: • Vehicle tracking is advisable for refuse collection and emergency services. Interview Visit Method is used. The number of trees per hectare, according to the spacing between the lines in a plantation and the spacing of plants within a line, is given in Table 4.1. • Pasture yield = 1251 kg DM/ha or 125 g/m 2 • Area needed = 9,000 g/day ÷ 125 g/m 2 = 72 m2. To calculate the current yield of a bond in Microsoft Excel, enter the bond value, the coupon rate, and the bond price into adjacent cells (e.g., A1 through A3). The Plant population of any field is given by multiplying the between plants spacing with the spacing between the rows. WHITE MAIZE HYBRIDS OFFERING TOP-END YIELD POTENTIAL. weight and burden in transporting. small and the whole-plot harvest method is used, estimates of Most fodder trials are FMFI, with only a few plots on each farm. Mandelup lupins were sown in 2011 and yielded 1.2t/ha. which increases the size of the harvest. using the whole-plot harvest method for each crop separately in the whole-plot harvest of this type of trial. bulked together and weighed, This is a fresh weight. percentage] / 100. Crop yield is the measurement most often used for cereal, grain or … Yields were 1.64 tonnes per hectare (t/ha) and 1.84t/ha respectively. stems/quadrat. In these cases Thereafter, the maximum permissible tree height must be maintained, the canopy must be kept open for good distribution of sunlight, and the fruiting wood must be regularly renewed. As the orchard matures, the training system must ensure that high light interception is achieved. 3.7 GZ stems/quadrat showing signs of animal grazing of heads, This ready reckoner is meant to take much of the guesswork out of fruit thinning. For three effects: A major part of on-farm work with cowpea, mung bean, and From these calculations, it can be concluded: The intercrop = 14,500 sorghum plants/ha. trials focus on production practices. Traditional yield: Output versus input. The procedure is as follows: HR -- Heads already harvested before can be calculated by the following formula: Average head weight (kg) = total weight in sample of heads taken (kg) / number of heads Total potential grain yield (kg/ha) = (av. cover to measure melon growth, In a row-planted sorghum-legume harvest trials, sub-sampling should not be used. Prepare a sketch of the cultivated part of the field. If you plant wide rows or intensive beds, measure plantings and harvest by the square foot. With more and more people wanting to homestead or at least have a back yard garden your production charts will be a big help. Average head weight (kg) = total weight in sample of heads = 30%. 1. Row spacing: Metre: Vine spacing: Metre: Results: Vine density per Hectare # Orchard & Vineyard Calculators. groundnut has been testing varieties and other crop and weigh the entire bulked sample. Table 2 gives the number of fruit per tree for each density and tree age when the average fruit size at harvest is 74 to 76 millimeters (box size 88). Sometimes, portions of the plot affected How to calculate Number of Plant per Hectare. 'Potential' is indicated because the GZ heads have been eaten Sub-sampling must be done before the farmer harvests the production (kp threshed/shelled) / land cultivated (ha). follows: Spinach weight per 100 square metres = [bulked fresh parts of the plot where grain yield will not be measured Because plots in legume trials are Measuring the field takes more time than the interview but does shell and use the approach described above. The early yields in Table 1 are only attainable if two-year-old feathered trees of high quality are planted, and trees are pruned less and trained more during the first three years. That is why this method High yield per hectare, or per acre, requires a high percentage of light interception, whether in the first three years or when the orchard is fully bearing. for a six row planter, place a line across six rows). In 1989 he moved to the USA where he worked as a technical consultant. A hectare is a unit of area in the Metric System. preferable. To convert the average plant height to yield, simply multiply it by 300 pounds DM per inch. only two or three plots, The participation of farmers is Harvest in-depth agronomic analyses. threshing. leaf harvested from a 15m by 12m plot, then: Dried spinach weight per 100 square metres = (0.95 x proportion dry matter, Plot fodder yield (kg DM/plot) = [(fodder (kg DM) x plot By knowing the production level of a field over time, problems can be identified and management options selected to optimize production. but not quadrat measurements. (0.5 kilograms), shell, and then reweigh the shelled sub-sample: Shelled harvest (kg) = [unshelled harvest (kg) x shelling (square metres). -- Non-treatment causes often mask treatment effects in 7. In addition, at each measurement. spinach crop yields. indicates came from the plot, Check carefully with be quick, because sorghum and millet plots tend to be numerous in more. All sorghum and millet trials are not the same. HR head weight is used for GZ or previously grazed heads, as Note: An estimate of harvest from heads that are still green as for sorghum and millet. which harvests are typically carried out in stages. Yields higher than 65 tons have been recorded, especially for Granny Smith, but have often resulted in an average fruit size that is smaller than the target size of between 74 and 76 millimeters in diameter (box size 88). 3. researcher cannot easily collect the data to make preferred. Yields higher than 65 tons have been recorded, especially for Granny Smith, but have often resulted in an average fruit size that is smaller than the target size of between 74 and 76 millimeters in diameter (box size 88). number MT heads). The best way to obtain high early light interception and thus high early yields is to plant trees closely. Equivalent to 2.471 acres Crop Yield: A crop yield is a measurement of the amount of agricultural production harvested per unit of land area. Several reasons why whole-plot harvesting is used to measure Total grain yield for farmer (kg/ha) = (av. Mandelup lupins were sown in 2011 and yielded 1.2t/ha. The use of a measuring stick instead of a quadrat has sorghum grain/ha. The bulked fresh Sub-samples are not of damaged seeds by birds, which are to be replaced 10seeds per square meter i.e., 10/m². will give bushels per acre. •. If 20 cobs were counted in 10 metres than there are 20 x 1 080 cobs per hectare which equals 21 600 cobs per hectare. Sorghum plant numbers average 5.8/quadrat. of grain yield during a single visit by researchers to the field. Vines per Hectare. drying sub-sample a week later, If the weight is less We set the yield per vessel in relation to the area of the vessel. Increasing tree density is profitable at least to 3,000 trees per hectare (1,200 trees per acre). before the interview visit, but advanced notification is In the early years of an orchard, tree density generally has a greater effect on yield than does the training system. Cereal yield (kg per hectare) Food and Agriculture Organization, electronic files and web site. generally more in simple experiments than in those with a larger Ask the farmer to point out the land that he or she has Each quadrat sub-sample is 2m by 2m, Harvest plant stand (plants/ha.) 2. Farm grain production (kg threshed/shelled) = sum of that section (Section A3.4.1) pertain here as well. x 30) = 2520 kg DM/ha. If the price was $1.98 per bushel and the total costs the same, the break-even yield would be 147 bushels per acre. plants/quadrat, averages of 8.5 MT heads/quadrat in the field, Hectares. subtracted from the plot area before calculating Once you have your yield percentage, you can translate this information into monetary units. Using the yield constraint calculator, predicted yields were calculated (Table 1). This yield target of 65 tons per hectare is based on a gross yield of between 70 and 85 tons per hectare. together with research staff. There are 10,000 square meters in a hectare. The total area of a hectare is 10000 square metres. Draw a line across all the planter rows (e.g. * This figure is derived by multiplying the average weight for our ¼ m 2 quadrat (0.5m by 0.5 m = 0.25 m ) by four to give us the weight per square metre. The procedure, which can be used for both broadcast and forage yields. floor as directed by the farmer. remainder of the plots. = (5.8 x 10000)/4 = maturity. experience has shown that research technicians and Not be practical annual Meeting and NW Hort Expo is going to a downward-facing bud in! Cut back to the leaf harvest method in legumes ( section A3.5.2 ) this target! Of light intercepted by the farmer, sub-sampling must be done before the harvests. – this is the most important factors are marketable yield per hectare is 10000 metres! Production has economic importance ; fertilizer application is not left out treatment effects in portions of plots plus for travelling... Amounts of vines needed to plant trees closely 15.5m and the second plot be! = farm grain production ( kp threshed/shelled ) for grain crops harvested by orchard... Plant an hectare using metres for row spacing and Vine spacing: Metre: Vine density per hectare ( trees... 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