Luckily she didn't remember it. An old guy who had got an inhaler prescribed by his GP because he was allergic to his new dog. Instead of using a pad or an adult diaper, she went for a GLASS CUP. My favourite ever story from a colleague: a patient comes into A&E with abdominal pain.As part of the work up he gets an abdominal X-ray which shows the problem as clear as day.The colleague has then proceeded to remove, from the patients rectum, an 8 inch replica of Nelson's Column (the statue in the centre of Trafalgar Square, London)On showing it to the patient, the response was "Oh that's Nelson, he lives up there. I once saw a high school aged kid come in with a dinner candle stuck in his rectum. There was one who was very upset to find out that she was pregnant again because she'd used her diaphragm EXACTLY as she'd been told.She carefully inspected it for holes, applied the spermicide, placed it, wore it at night, then took it out, cleaned it and put it away each morning....And then her husband arrived home from his night-shift. She shared a couple other funny anesthesia recovery stories nurses had shared with her. Scroll down below, and don't forget to upvote your favorite funny anesthesia stories! I asked a female patient with dementia what year it is. Yes, oxygen. and then hung up the phone.Still my favorite viagra story. I was exhausted. "But doctor, I LOVE cocaine." It started when she was 11. At some point one of them said something like, "We've got to get back in there and deal with an unconscious patient." Click here to view. I proceed to drop some dye in her eyes to check them in a microscope, and when I do I realize she's wearing contacts. Proof that we need better sex education... One day in the pharmacy, a girl comes to the counter requesting a refill for her birth control. Me: is there any chance you could be pregnant?Patient: definitely not.Me: are you sexually active?Patient: yes.Me: what is your preferred method of birth control?Patient: nothingMe: smh, Teenage male patient came in to the clinic with his girlfriend because he was growing breasts with milk production. I am an ER doc. His wife, I guess oblivious to all this, was just dancing in the pee. My mom's an ER nurse and she said once some crazy lady came in and complained hat she had the whooping cough. I really have a problem with this kind of people. My wife tells me that I fall onto the floor and my arms and legs start jerking. Patient: Thank you very much, Clara Fication! P.S. I once walked into my patient's room responding to his call light. The pieces just didn't add up and so I started questioning him more closely. The other day I had a 400 lb, 50 year old patient who hadn't pooped in (she claims) 6 days. But I get this pain every time I have my period. Apparently, both her and her boyfriend were each taking a pill each and was adamant that was how they needed to prevent pregnancy. Apparently the cook had convinced him that eating raw corn was poisonous or something. I hope I'm not too late. I figured if she didn't notice the beard, then she wasn't going to understand an explanation either. Why stupidity? I wrote MOST OF the cases. About four months later the lady is back asking for another copy of her son's prescription. Had a woman who was in active labor, despite insisting she couldn't be pregnant. Had a young woman with recurring UTIs that began after a recent partner and with no STDs; went through the standard questions trying to figure out what could be causing them and eventually found out she had been lubricating with jelly. He was a bro and didn't say anything but I could see the look of disappointment in his eyes. She keep [sic] saying let’s party bro and responded to every question with a 'fuck yeah, dude.'”. Can the body really manage so much caffeeine? You know how your body normally feels. I had a patient in her 30s complain of monthly rectal bleeding that would last 4-6 days and stop on its own. Awesome.A year later she shows up for her doctor's appointment, and she's morbidly obese. My wife has works in a gyno and has told me of many patients trying to get pregnant who needed to be told what went where, specifically that the anus is not a baby-maker. At one point she let the pronoun slip "she and I..." and my wife said, "wait, let's back up a minute." When he brought the many pieces back to the optometrist to have the glasses replaced, the assistant asked what had happened. It was not his best day. Amputations might have indeed 'ran' in the family if they all had the same health habits, or lack thereof... Im ashamed to say I have a story that fits here. âThe bathroomâs over there.â A few minutes later, the patient comes out of the bathroom. Me: Where did you get hurt? Get the latest inspiring stories via our awesome iOS app! This submission is hidden. Very poor, illiterate family. Ophthalmologist here. This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself. My fiance is an X-ray tech. I can't really remember what for but he was about 400lbs, diabetic, heart disease, you name it. When she turned to her side, stool the size and shape of a small baby or big burrito slid out and I caught it. We ask if she's breastfeeding, she says yes. Not a doctor, but I WAS a corpsman in the Navy. The day after I had surgery on my leg, a nurse came into my hospital room with a box in her hand. Didnât your doctor tell you about it?â âNo.â She rechecked the orders. There was one who was very upset to find out that she was pregnant again because she'd used her diaphragm EXACTLY as she'd been told. She had a 70-ish year old woman come in with complaints of a small but painless growth that was visible at the back of her throat.Turns out it took her 70 years to notice her uvula. I work for an optometrist and it was the month before school started and a woman brought in her son to have his eyes checked for the first time. Can't sit still, bouncing off the walls. I said 'well you're a smoker so they were worried you might have throat cancer' "Smoking causes throat cancer?!?!". She had a 70-ish year old woman come in with complaints of a small but painless growth that was visible at the back of her throat. Patient comes in at 2 am for insomnia, clearly tweaking her brains out, heart rate 200. She's developed many health problems related to her weight (that she refuses to acknowledge are due to her weight. "She and not used her feminine deodorant spray; she had instead accidentally used her daughter's glitter hairspray. He had an OBGYN friend who had a couple who couldnât get pregnant. I admitted a guy for pneumonia, which was odd because he was young and strapping, no other medical issues, x-ray didn't look quite right. I had severe asthma as a kid. Me too. The daughter chimed in and said "no, no, she's a Libra..." I then laughed hysterically at her awesome joke. She then entered a same-sex relationship and again never got pregnant even though she really wanted to, leading her to believe she was infertile. What is it with people who don't notice their uvulas? Female pt came in complaining of infertility. In times past, smashing them with a big Bible was recommended. A male patient inyected kitchen oil into his own cheeks because he saw a plastic surgery tv show where a surgeon inyected something similar to a model, then he was amazed that the bumps of the oil didnt go away and were turning red and painful af. So my parents agreed to all of this.Few weeks later, I'm back in the hospital. When my parents showed up, he asked point blank, 'Did you not understand what I told you last time? Jason Hook: Read my comment again .. The only thing that was stolen was a wine bottle in a brown paper bag. Feeling some pressure âback thereâ, I reached down and patted the doctor on the head. No wonder my hammer trick didn't work. ", 'Put him back- he doesn't go outside often' lol, "I have the Ebola". Patient: Like ten years, maybe longer. Funny joke collection stats: 142,806 jokes 59,402 thumbs up 5,442 active users 766 visitors online 3,871 topics 10,697 humor websites 40,653 humor links Related Topics As a self-diagnosing patient...One day notice a white, hard, jagged object protruding from my back gum. Not a doctor but I'm a nurse who worked in the OR at a trauma center. When the doctor was explaining to the mom that her son had to wear his glasses all the time since he's nearsighted and basically can't see clearly past 5' in front of him. That the 30+ cups of coffee he was drinking every day could possibly be the cause of his chief complaints of anxiety and insomnia. Didn't do anything and it was getting bigger and interfering with my shoes so I got it investigated. I promised him I'd do better and next year I would be back down to a healthy weight. But what the fuck do I know keep asking apple for advice. He said he was not willing to give this up or try decaf. And was theoretically pro-active. Her appointment was fine and she went on her merry way. ""I don't ever remember them. We have sent an email to the address you provided with an activation link. this is what happen when you don't send your kid to sex ed in school. My friend is a student doctor and is on placement at a small town doctor's office. "No, I think you're the idiot who lied and was getting treated for pneumonia instead of getting the proper treatment for crack lung, which is what he had. A few weeks later, we get the fax that she went to the breastfeeding clinic and everything was fine. She acted like I was stupid and pointed to the back of her neck. Don't go to the doctor then! He had to do a head CT on someone who came into the ER because she took two marijuana tablets and wondered why her head was foggy and she felt slow moving... Face palm. we all know that a pregnant teenagers know everyting. I gave him ketamine for a fracture reduction, or in other words setting and splinting of a broken bone. This story comes from Reddit user funny-chubby-awesome: "My high school best friend, let's call her Hillary, approached me about masturbation. Another person already submitted the same fake story. See the funny things people said after waking up from anesthesia. My wife is a massage therapist, and whenever a heart attack hits, she starts to massage some pressure points and it stops. NO WATER! The doctor walks up to the nursing table and fills out the chart. A big list of anesthesia jokes! "No, I'm not. Trying not to burst out laughing, I said "Your daughter's scrotum?" I was the expert on sex, as I … Dog At Daycare Is So Excited To See His Owner, He Does A Happy Dance! ""I was hungry.". They were really a bizarre couple. Anyone who's received anesthesia can attest that the medication makes them feel pretty loopy. The patient just stared at me. As he put the needle into my rear end I suddenly had the need to vomit. A nice young lady like you shouldn't be concerned with such things.". âAre you ready for this?â âWhat is it?â I asked. What medications are you on? He seemed fine. You don't need it! I've asked her several times why she's yelling (waiting to see if she's in any pain) and her answers range from "I didn't know I was yelling," to "It's a habit. Do you understand these attacks could be fatal? Me: is there any chance you could be pregnant? 'The whole recovery room just fell about laughing. Anyhow I'm at the computer going over some admission questions with him and his 10 family members who are crowded in the room with him. Nobody really likes going to the doctors, do they? Funny anesthesia video. They're killing their kid. I worked at the ER during my internship and met a girl who had increasingly painful and red eyes since a couple of days back. Radiographer here and had the ED doctor give me a request for soft tissue neck X-rays and the doctor was p much like "don't question it, just do it." I proceed to drop some dye in her eyes to check them in a microscope, and when I do I realize she's wearing contacts.She didn't like her natural eye colour, so she had bought a set of blue coloured lenses 8 months earlier. A well dressed man came in with his 8 year old, healthy looking, son. Her mom asked me to adjust her scrotum. 29 of them, in fact! Not the guy who is desperate/who can't face his HIV/ who lake of knowledge/who trust a witch, but the f***** monsters that take advantage of weak people and risking their life/are responsible for their death. The last 24h had been horrible. I asked him what was the problem. âI just looked up how to perform this operation on YouTube.â. Happy and talking about how hot the nurse was. "I think I have the flesh eating bacteria." After surgery video. It was unfortunate. Doc here. The team were around waiting for her to wake up and gag a little on the tube in her throat (for breathing) so we knew it was time to remove it. Her mom asked me to adjust her scrotum. Always amazed me at the optical shop, when people would come with six year old mistreated scratched lenses, & frames crushed under a car, & swear they never heard " Frames warranted for a year against normal wear and tear breakage", & "scratch-resistant's not scratch proof so be sure to not wipe them with a dry scratchy paper towel!" Me: Sir, I need to know why you stopped taking your antiretrovirals for your HIV. The patient also had with them a surgery report in which it appears their baking soda consumption resulted in buildup of abnormal calcium in the wall of the stomach, which had to be removed. "We explain again. What do they think the glasses are for? Me: Oh, thatâs no problem. Went about an anal problem. I've had a patient claim that amputations run in his family.He said that was the only reason he needed both legs taken off above the knee. The story was even told at her funeral," the Redditor explained. He needed medical attention ... from the psychiatrist! The whole "pissing in her to try and get her pregnant" doesn't exactly fit the profile of "simple misunderstanding". For those who don't know, it basically shocks your heart if it goes into a funny rhythm. "Absolutely, when something doesn't feel right and your doctor doesn't want to listen, seek a second opinion. He had been pissing in his wife, thinking that is how you impregnate someone. Surgeon here. At which point she interrupts me and says, "Oh that isnât chocolate milk. She's too heavy and unable to do things on her own so she asked for a bedpan. They insisted that the vibratory frequency can be tuned to destroy cancer cells, just like a trained singer may be able to use her voice to break a crystal glass. Before leaving home she used a little feminine deodorant spray, just in case. "I dont feel it but LOOK ITS RIGHT THERE". A woman comes in after having a baby and tells us she's having trouble breastfeeding. He worked a lot in very conservative Christian communities and so a lot of times people got married with no sex education. I can't really remember what for but he was about 400lbs, diabetic, heart disease, you name it. Now, millions of people annually undergo all types of surgery with the help of these pain-relieving medications. On Reddit, a user asked anesthesiologists to post the funniest things people have said while under gas. The doctor explained to his patient that she suffered from inflammation of the cervix. To get you in the skinny-dipping spirit, we’ve rounded up some skinny-dipping stories from Reddit. She had complained of feeling tingly and having a dry mouth prior to passing out. 70 yo female tripped and fell 2 days ago. I mention this, to which they reply "yeah but it grew back. Often these aren't passing comments during the exam, but the main reason for their visit to the clinic. And to think I had thought trying to make out with my husband and becoming a polar bear expert were embarrassing. Turns out the guy had been drinking nothing but sprite and sweet tea for years because of his "water allergy".The next question the wife had was "where are we all supposed to sleep?" I was a newly minted graduate with fresh and optimistic views on my life as a doctor. Because of the lube it was an especially wet and raspberry sounding one. "I didn't bother pointing out that I'm not a lady. And apparently she really enjoyed them as she ate quite a few.They then had to sit down and tell this elderly lady that she was not dying, and that she was in fact stoned!Fortunately she was still high enough to see the humour. It wasn't one of my finer experiences at the doctor. Bored Panda works best if you switch to our Android app. Can't believe I'm having a tooth come in, especially since I'm 23 and had my wisdom teeth taken out years ago. One we get commonly is "I know my body." Yeah, anybody can be a plastic surgeon! ""Yup""Which doctor(s) did you see about them? That's disgusting. Wife waking up from anesthesia funniest video ever. My husbandâs new âunbreakableâ titanium eyeglasses broke. She wanted to explore alternative treatments like coffee enemas (?) This happened in med school. No, There Isn't a '5G Chip' in the COVID Vaccine, 5 Hypnosis Apps to Help You With Any Problem, Call Your Doctor If You Have Any Of These Symptoms. He's in the room with her a long time -- much longer than normal. The whole family, 10 people, were planning to stay at he hospital with him.You can't make this shit up. If you don't know this shot goes right into the ass. So I started explaining to her as kindly as I could that she shouldnât be giving her baby chocolate milk. A few minutes in he starts complaining that he's thirsty. Can you give him something right now to make him taller?". Some of the patients and their families asked incredible things of me, such as putting brains back inside after an explosion took half the head off, but I have never been as incredulous as when I had to explain "wrong hole" to a very old tribal elder who was wondering why he couldn't father any children. Most of these a a fiery statement for decent sex ed!! And whenever she coughed she followed it with a loud "woooOOOP! Like eyes closed, hands over her head, hips swaying. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site. From hilariously misinformed patients to doctors with a wickedly dry sense of humor, we at Bored Panda had compiled a list of short stories when doctor/patient interactions were just too funny. Surgeon here. She said, "Oh, my, no, that's far too personal to discuss in polite company. Although many won't remember their experience, it's fairly common to say some wacky things after waking up. If you can't stop making them cry, make them laugh. Had a christian couple come in and ask why they didn't get a child. I was intubated for a severe attack a few times. I say simple biology class, human body biology. I woke up from anethesia and started talking about my ex to the nurse. Once she was stable we did some teaching and kept her for a few days for observation. While I am a doctor, this happened to my wife, also a doctor. And will definitely need glasses for school. Christine, if that girl had gotten the harsh lecture (or several) in school or by her parents when she was a child, she would not have grown up into a foolish person. I had a good laugh about it. I popped a boner on the nurse prepping me for a vasectomy... in front of my wife. I'm guessing no one ever told them where babies come from. Woman's reply would be: That's not a fetus, that's my lunch. "Why," I asked, puzzled, "would you swallow a rock?". She was eating an entire package of Dad's oatmeal cookies every single day for a year (basically a 'bowl or two' filled with cookies), and could not understand how that was different from oatmeal. He needs something to drink RIGHT NOW. But it also has some unintentionally hilarious side effects. The pieces just didn't add up and so I started questioning him more closely.Me: Do you use any drugs? Turns out she didn't know plain rolled oats were a thing. A father brought in his 20-year old son convinced he had early signs of diabetes since his hair was greasy. A memorable lady was utterly convinced that her friend got cancer because she quit smoking (not because she was a smoker...duh). Creating an account means you agree with Bored Panda's, We and our trusted partners use technology such as cookies on our site to personalize content and ads, provide, social media features, and analyze our traffic. We respect your privacy. (To Asian doctor.) Apparently they had been raised in some religious fundamentalist cult and didnât understand how sex worked. I ask her if it's regular or diet and she replies with "It's half-regular. Heard this story from a nurse friend.Some guy was dancing in skin tight leather pants at the opening of a new nightclub in a nearby small city. A few weeks later, we get the fax that she went to the breastfeeding clinic and everything was fine. The last 24h had been horrible. My patient announced she had good news ⦠and bad. On Reddit, a user asked anesthesiologists to post the funniest things people have said while under gas. as if she's looking at a handsome man. I had a Marine come in because he swallowed a rock. I'm a rural family doc doing locums and was working at a city family practice clinic when I saw this patient. Those same people would get so indignant, & swear they 'just got them' ...literally it'd be years old. âThey fell under the lawn mower,â he explained. Iâm reviewing the surgical checklist with the nurses. Turns out his girlfriend was giving him her female hormonal birth control pills for âextra protectionâ. well, you FOUND a tube of blood... somehow... One of my 5 patients tonight keeps yelling maybe once every 2 minutes, going "OWWWWWW!!!" ''But we open windows and have stopped smoking in her room when we put her to bed! She said, "Oh, my, no, that's far too personal to discuss in polite company. Must be his first time to see a doctor too. 08, 2019 Note to staff: One Direction breaking up is NOT a valid reason to call in sick. There should be a licence for reproducing, The other day I had a 400 lb, 50 year old patient who hadn't pooped in (she claims) 6 days. I just snorted it though. A nurse walks past the open door and does one of those comedy double-takes. 30 Funniest Things Patients Have Said On Anesthesia. Everything went as normal, the doctor examined the boy and ended up prescribing glasses. âAre you ready for this?â. My dad said he couldn't stop laughing because I wouldn't leave without them. Dad Buys Socks That Look Like Cat Paws, His Daughter Shares Cats' Priceless Reaction In A Viral Tweet, Hey Pandas, Are There Any Rat/Mouse Lovers Out There? Anyway, she was coming OUT of anesthesia after a wisdom tooth removal, and as one of the doctors was helping my mom wheel her out to the car she says very loudly, “Man, this is wild. They thought it was funny and cute but I'm pretty sure I created a monster. The target of the verbal attack was a preacher from her church. I once had the daughter of one of my patients march up to the nursing station, slam the vitals chart down on the desk and yell at me "How dare you say my mother stinks" I'm utterly puzzled by this as no-one had said anything of the sort and ask the daughter to explain what she meant, she grabs the chart, points to the row of "BO's" recorded on it and shouts "Here you even had the nerve to write it down" I explained that "BO" meant Bowels Open not body odour before escaping to the staff room to laugh my head off. The nurse was still on the room btw. I let the ice melt first so there isn't as much sugar in it". So my parents agreed to all of this. Very cut class accent. ""Oh, I have a degenerative neuromuscular condition. As I leaned in to check her eyes, my older patient got a little frisky.âYou remind me of my third husband,â she said coyly.âThird husband?â I asked. She came it with hip pain but reports after the fall her nose was bleeding - she had landed on her nose. WARNING: Some videos, pictures and GIF's may contain blood. 15 Outrageous True Stories of Dumb Employees Reader's Digest Editors Updated: May. "Because of the Ebola", Do doctors ever wish they could just say "Yes its because of the Ebola?". Perhaps needless to say the patient was lost to followup. One couple was in therapy because neither one of them enjoyed sex or ever had an orgasm. From hilariously misinformed patients to doctors with a wickedly dry sense of humor, we at Bored Panda had compiled a list of short stories when doctor/patient interactions were just too funny. I'm not going to lie, the last one of these stories is pretty fascinating, but the rest are funny as hell. I would have love to see the expression of the robber when he/she tested it XD. The patient did not believe that cancer cells and regular cells would have the same frequency.Another patient insisted that his cancer had been properly treated at home with baking soda (he gave me a website like or something). I book her an appointment at a breastfeeding clinic, give her some resources, etc. "I went to sleep and woke up with holes in my underwear that weren't there last night.". Another joke from House MD. Wash and repeat every day during her admission.Afterwards I told my fiance. Not a doctor but I was a Nurse's assistant and a kitchen staff member came in and said "Help, I ate raw corn". to be honest, better safe than sorry, and those things can get SO nasty and ugly down there :-/. penis in the process. While going under during surgery can be scary, a lot of times things end up going smoothly with a side of comedy – there are plenty of doctors and nurses who have some great stories. Patient's skeezy boyfriend was riding in the front with me and apparently saw a golden opportunity to ask a question that had obviously been on his mind for some time.Him: So when cats and dogs eat grass, that means they have cancer, right?Me: Ummm. Doc here. A nice young lady like you shouldn't be concerned with such things. She thought the breastfeeding clinic meant plain oatmeal cookies. âDonât worry about a thing,â he assured me. Apparently I also saw a picture of my throat and asked if it was a dinosaur. : I wonder, do doctors themselves also hate going to a physician? Lol, why do people think that frames are 'unbreakable' & lenses are 'scratch-proof'. Feeling some pressure âback thereâ, I reached down and patted the doctor on the head. This is a real story submitted to a Reddit board: My favorite is a true story. I'm not a doctor, but I'm an ER nurse. Call it ⦠carma! We pulled up her profile and realized we couldn't refill it because she just got a 28-day fill less than 2 weeks ago. Sorry couldn't resist. ""......Uhhhhh, ok......What does it feel like when you have a heart attack? I had a Marine come in because he swallowed a rock. âOh,â she said, nodding. Was at a urologist in a hospital and there were a couple of power cuts. Friend of mine is a doctor. I feel like our doctors should not assists those couples to have children.If you can not figure out how sex works, dont raise children thx. Told patient he needed reading glasses which he didn't believe. By submitting email you agree to get Bored Panda newsletter. ", It was 3am and I'd been on duty in the Emergency since 8am. Minds blown, another life saved in the ER. This content is imported from {embed-name}. I posted this a while back when a similar question was asked: My friend is a student doctor and is on placement at a small town doctor's office. I was doing my rounds and saw a patient out of bed and walking around the floor following a knee replacement. After convincing thr doctor that's what he was actually there for, we told him to go take a shower and try different shampoo :( its sad how little some people know about diabetes. I admitted a guy for pneumonia, which was odd because he was young and strapping, no other medical issues, x-ray didn't look quite right. There is a special place in hell for the a**holes who sell these snakeoil "treatments" to desperate, panicked people who have a life-threatening illness and just want to be better. A recent Reddit thread asked people to share their funniest anesthesia stories. This comment is hidden. In a puddle of her husbands pee. And even though these drugs are commonplace, there are still several facts about them that may surprise you. Please enter your email to complete registration. Then I referred her to ENT for her hoarse voice and she was surprised how fast she was seen. One we get commonly is "I know my body." When I went to the ER to have a painful ingrown toenail removed, I was sobbing, gagging, petrified ⦠the works. No it does not.Made for an awkwardly silent ride the rest of the way. I mean, they did sleep with each other every night. âHere,â says the nurse, handing the patient a urine specimen container. Somehow this kid had gotten to the age of 20 without ever noticing his uvula. His shoes are charred and the bottoms of his pants are definitely burned away but his skin isn't so bad. She was very upset and continued to tell me that she only had one partner. âJust go back to sleep.â Yehudi is the name of my dog. I'm an anesthesia student currently doing my clinical rotations and I had an old guy wake up and the first thing he asked was "do I still have my balls?" It's safe to say anesthesia has made life easier for anyone who needs a medical procedure. Not a doctor, but I'm a former Special Forces medic and I treated indigenous populations in Iraq, Afghanistan and several other Middle Eastern countries. When I introduced myself as the on-call neurologist, the very southern-sounding nurse loudly exclaimed: Comprehensive, factual sex education including contraceptives needs to be mandatory in middle school and every year after. "Patient: "I have to go. Trying not to burst out laughing, I said "Your daughter's scrotum?" He just needed to prevent pregnancy gentleman calls our office with questions an. - frightening... at least it 's regular or diet and Exercise well, doctor Google may be the... How hot the nurse prepping me for a few minutes in he starts complaining that he 's thirsty they. Some resources, etc hetero relationship for a lost tube of blood and accidentally grabbed his ( erect? )... After the surgery, and we talk at length about the acne, but refused.., doctor Google may be getting the Nobel prize soon they could just say `` you make!! ” my mom 's an ER nurse, who is an high school aged kid in! The cause of his pants down and patted the doctor on the head patient. 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