
how to increase agricultural productivity

Regional Rural … One of these aims to help solve the problem of the high cost and unavailability of labour through an increase in the level of mechanization by using custom hiring centres, using public-private partnerships. This means low crop productivity as optimal yield potential is a function of the quality of seeds used. To increase your productivity, try to do as much of your work offline as possible. Ultimately, it is only opportunities for assured and remunerative, marketing that will determine the economic viability of farming both as a way of life and a means to livelihood. Thus, by generating and maintaining residues, a farmer, tries to … According to FAO estimates, as much as 40 per cent of the world’s food is grown using irrigation, but large amounts … Government-sponsored extension services provide information on crop and livestock management practices and reduce the lag time between the development of new technologies and their adoption. Poverty has mixed impacts on agricultural production, depending on the nature of poverty: smaller farms obtain higher crop production per hectare, while households with fewer livestock have lower crop production. You are now subscribed to our newsletters. These are calle Comments are welcome at theirview@livemint.com. Education increases household incomes, but also reduces crop production in the lowlands. We need a similar push to increase the use of agricultural inputs such as fertilizers, and do so sustainably.” FAO data reveal that the use of productivity enhancing agricultural inputs in Africa in general, and in some subregions such as Eastern Africa, in particular, tend to be lower compared to other regions of the world. Your email. It will require time, patience, persistence, and the implementation of multiple strategies. Land degradation and low agricultural productivity are severe problems in Uganda. How are we doing? Statistician assesses agricultural data to increase productivity. Long term productivity growth reflects improvements in farmers’ production efficiency and technological progress. This means that every rupee spent on the policy in Andhra Pradesh would generate benefits worth nearly four rupees. Ecologically Fragile Regions Including Himalaya and Desert Areas: The trust should be on the development of agricultural system, which does not damage the fragile ecological balance in the region, but help in conserving and strengthening the sustainability of natural resources. Enhance smallholder resilience, including through diversification of farm and non-farm Table 3 compares the productivity of some crops in India with their productivity … The annual Global Agricultural Productivity Report links production growth to sustainability. Productivity growth has accounted for the entire increase in output by the agriculture sector over the last 30 years. While the technology may exist to increase agricultural productivity, farmers have to stay in the loop of agricultural research developments by seeking training through their local agricultural extension programs. Measures to Increase Agriculture Productivity . Improving agricultural productivity is important in order to improve farmer incomes, and it requires increases in yield, better productivity through the efficient utilization of resources, reduction in crop losses, and ensuring that farmers receive fair prices for output. Introduction. All existing wells and ponds should be renovated. With the right policies, institutions, and resources, Africa can benefit from productivity increases by adapting Green Revolution techniques that raised agricultural productivity in Asia and Latin America, particularly in wheat, rice, and maize. Seawater farming should be promoted in coastal areas through the cultivation of mangroves, salicomia, casuarinas and appropriate halophytic plants. 4. In order to increase agricultural productivity, India can learn three lessons from China like investing more in agri-R&D and innovations, improving incentives for farmers by carrying out agri-marketing reforms and collapsing input subsidies into direct income support on per hectare basis. Only about one-third of the crops are irrigated, and the rest are dependent on rain-fed cultivation, which is susceptible to the vagaries of the weather. Performance within the sector has been mixed — over the last three decades the cropping industry recorded the highest productivity gains, and the sheep and sheep–beef industries the lowest. Global attention has been devoted to water scarcity and its effect on Indian farmers. Farmers, however, will earn more: The annual incremental net return is estimated to be about Rs9,000 per hectare. Tanks are an important source of water for the rural economy, but—as in other areas—an explosion of well-irrigation has reduced the surface run-off into these tanks. Copyright © HT Digital Streams Limited All rights reserved. The privatisation of its distribution is fraught with dangers and could lead to water wars in local communities. 19:33. This project will support smallholder farmers living in climate “hotspot” areas to increase their access to irrigation and management of water resources, in conjunction with support to enable farmers to adopt climate smart technologies, resulting in increased agricultural productivity and improved access to markets. Muitos exemplos de traduções com "increasing agricultural productivity" – Dicionário português-inglês e busca em milhões de traduções. It also improves the relationship between farmers and seed suppliers and supports customary arrangements, enabling smallholders to increase their farm-land and productivity by building on … Keeping in view the decline in profitability of agriculture, and the farmers’ distress, the Government must consider providing support to the banking system for reducing the rate of interest for crop loans. But new research by agricultural economist Surabhi Mittal, independent consultant and non-resident fellow, Tata-Cornell Institute for Agriculture & Nutrition (TCI), Technical Assistance and Research for Indian Nutrition & Agriculture (Tarina), suggests another approach may help farmers a lot more. The new research focuses on establishing how much different policies would cost, and what they would achieve overall in economic, environmental and societal benefits. Strategies for Increasing Agricultural Productivity. You have to follow a package of best practices for increasing your productivity. Assuming that the additional water will be used to irrigate around 65,000 hectares of paddy cultivated during winter, the overall annualized cost would be Rs43.2 crore. Even with this highly conservative assumption, the investment has huge pay-offs: Every rupee spent will have benefits to Andhra Pradesh worth around 15 times the costs, and 20 times in Rajasthan. Rescheduling and restructuring of farmer’s loans are not enough in the event of successive natural calamities. Climate change and agriculture are interrelated processes, both of which take place on a global scale, with the adverse effects of climate change affecting agriculture both directly and indirectly. For optimum productivity, focus on one thing at a time. These are all respectable returns. Similarly, eco-boards can be produced from cotton stalks as a replacement for plywood made from timber. Your name. Agricultural output must increase by as much as 70 percent if we are to continue to feed our growing population, according to the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization. The Internet has become one of the number one distraction. Six Main Strategies to Improve the Agriculture Productivity in India 1. Dry farming areas need particular attention. In order to feed the world’s growing population, agricultural productivity will need to improve. With wide variations in agro-climatic and economic conditions across the country, there cannot be a single strategy of agricultural growth to be followed everywhere. There should be a proper match between production and post-harvest technologies. According to ERS estimates, while total farm output nearly tripled, total inputs used in agriculture grew by only 5 percent in total over the last seven decades. Innovation, Productivity and Sustainability in Food and Agriculture. "This is why we have to go to International Monetary Fund - when our imports outweigh exports and create a current account deficit." However, Trivedi Science is considered to have done the maximum and the most path breaking inventions and contribution in the field of agriculture. (iii) promotion of an appropriate farming system, which economises on water use and generated higher value from land. Nuclear science offers proven techniques that can and are being used to improve productivity while conserving valuable resources needed for today and for the future. Another approach focuses on relying on information and communication technology (ICT) enabled extension services, which play a crucial role in supporting agricultural activities by taking research, technology and know-how to farmers to improve adoption. 2014). First, the Shared Mobile Infrastructure Programme (SMIP), which financed the construction of about 7,000 … Log in to our website to save your bookmarks. WASHINGTON, March 23, 2017 – Enhancing the productivity of agriculture is vital for Sub-Saharan Africa’s economic future and is one of the most important tools to end extreme poverty and boost shared prosperity in the region.How governments choose to spend public resources has significant development impact in this regard. Improving education is critical for increasing household incomes (Nkonya et al., 2004), but this is not solving problems of low agricultural productivity and land degradation. The biggest victims are poor, small, marginal farmers, who depend on tanks for supplementary irrigation for their kharif crop. Low productivity of agriculture sector shows backwardness of agriculture sector. Now, two new research papers add to the volume of evidence on how to boost agricultural performance. Table 3.1 shows the trend in agricultural productivity in India, i.e., the average yield per hectare. Although Uganda's soils were once considered to be among the most fertile in the tropics (Chenery, 1960), problems of soil nutrient depletion, erosion, and other manifestations of land degradation appear to be increasing.The rate of soil nutrient depletion is among the highest in sub … Your friend's email. Rural areas are home to 75 percent of Africa’s population, most of whom count agriculture as their major source of income. Content Filtrations 6. Image Guidelines 5. Your session has expired, please login again. Difficult, because we can not control all these factors. We need a similar push to increase the use of agricultural inputs such as fertilizers, and do so sustainably.” FAO data reveal that the use of productivity enhancing agricultural inputs in Africa in general, and in some subregions such as Eastern Africa, in particular, tend to be lower compared to other regions of the world. Rice occupies the largest area in the country and there are opportunities for generating more jobs and income by establishing rice bio-parks. Output growth derives from growth in the use of inputs (capital, land, labor, and intermediate goods) and TFP. Plagiarism Prevention 4. On the part of the government, crop insurance as well as the speed and manner in which the debt recovery and settlement process operates would need to be considerably improved. Govt to increase agricultural productivity by using Chinese model: PM Khan The premier regretted that no government had tried to boost exports in the past 50 years. In fact, in 1960, USDA was the first agency to introduce multifactor productivity measurement into the Federal statistical program. This output value may be compared to many different types of inputs such as labour and land. Easy because we actually know that affects production. Agriculture sector needs improvement as it is a main occupation and very important pillar of Indian economy. Productivity levels in Indian agriculture in very low as compared to the productivity levels of other countries, in terms of global rank, the productivity levels of India in major agricultural crops is very disappointing. Raising agricultural productivity in sub-Saharan Africa 4 Introduction SETTING THE SCENE Productivity in farming in much of Africa has long been a concern, both on account of the (very) low levels of land and labour productivity across much of the continent, and because increases in productivity have been slow. These benefits together add up to Rs15,000 per hectare per year, and the total annual benefits would be Rs159.2 crore. 2020), we analyse whether access to information can increase adoption of such technologies among farmers in India and increase agricultural productivity.We leverage two programmes launched by the Government of India in the mid-2000s. Market reform should begin with production planning, so that every link in the cultivation- consumption- commerce chain receives adequate and timely attention. The conjunctive use of rain, river, ground, sea and treated sewage water should become the norm. However, new analysis from Indian researchers suggests that far more good could come if irrigation were combined with seed improvement. Improving supply through rainwater harvesting and recharging of the aquifer should become mandatory. The rise in agricultural productivity has long been chronicled as the single most important source of economic growth in the U.S. farm sector. Innovations in animal and crop genetics, chemicals, equipment, and farm organization have enabled continuing output growth while using much less labor and farmland. The major thrust should be on flood control, drainage management, improvement of irrigation facilities especially minor irrigation, input delivery systems supported by adequate credit and extension facilities. According to one estimate, the additional storage space available during a drought year is about 1,700 million cubic metres. Agricultural universities, research institutions, krishi vigyan kendras, fertiliser companies, state departments of agriculture and farmers’ associations should aim to increase the productive potential of soil through concurrent attention to their physics, chemistry (macro and micro- nutrients) and micro-biology. In Malawi, for example, the 80 percent of the population works in agriculture, though agriculture accounts for only 36 … In Rajasthan, an analysis looking at the same approach but taking into account the specific conditions there, finds there would be benefits worth three rupees. and agricultural review: Innovation, agricultural productivity and sustainability. The solution to this challenge involves spending money on producing more quality seeds (for all the major crops in each state) and promoting these among farmers. In case you can’t find any email from our side, please check the spam folder. For one, agriculture, although generally viewed as having little impact on industrialization and the larger economy, provides the basis for many other activities, including manufacturing. Agricultural development lies at the heart of poverty reduction and increased food security of most developing nations. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has been monitoring agriculture's productivity performance for decades. The researcher looks at various methods of improving farm productivity and farmer income. But the rewards are far worth the effort! Seasonal soil rotation affects the overall yield. It examines policies that would reduce the effects of water scarcity in Rajasthan and Andhra Pradesh. Thus, increasing agricultural productivity is a 360 degrees concept. Disclaimer 9. Seed Seed is one of the factors that influence agricultural … Prohibited Content 3. iv. Govt to increase agricultural productivity by using Chinese model: PM Khan The premier regretted that no government had tried to boost exports in the past 50 years. The first of these is by Dinesh Kumar, executive director of the Institute for Resource Analysis and Policy (Irap), Hyderabad. Agricultural scientists should state the performance of new varieties and technologies in terms of net income per hectare, and not just in terms of yield per hectare. The researcher looks at various methods of improving farm productivity and farmer income. employment, and increased investments in agricultural research: Improve the productivity of smallholders, paying particular attention to rural women and young people. After reviewing the best evidence, the researcher suggests that yield gains of 10% can reasonably be expected with improved seed replacement rates. Study IQ education Recommended for you. Sub-Saharan Africa (hereafter referred to as Africa) is, however, the only region in the world where per capita agricultural productivity has remained stagnant over the past 40 years. The strategy for this region should be to achieve the productivity potential of this region to bring the yield to the levels of high productivity states like Haryana and Punjab. Water is a public good and a social resource and not a private property. Many of them should be organised in dry farming areas where millets, pulses, oilseeds and cotton are grown. It will be further revised to reflect experience from additional pilot country reviews to be implemented in 2015-16. The Comprehensive African Agricultural Development Program (CAADP) and its accompanying Framework for African Agricultural Productivity (FAAP) provide a vision for improving agricultural productivity through enabling and accelerating innovation. One of these aims to help solve the problem of the high cost and unavailability of … Bjorn lomborg and Saleema Razvi are, respectively, president of the Copenhagen Consensus Center, and senior research adviser for India Consensus. The spread between the deposit and lending interest rates is high in India by international standards. There is no single way to increase agricultural productivity. Farmers can consult with extension agents directly about specific production problems, or tur… Kumar also examines state-specific policies: In Rajasthan, renovating the traditional water harvesting system would return three rupees for every rupee invested, while, in Andhra Pradesh, investment in drip irrigation and mulching of high-value crops would generate about five rupees. More information is available on the Agency’s WorldAtom website: . Before publishing your articles on this site, please read the following pages: 1. Choosing the right time to plant is often the most important part of … The compositionof inputs, however, changed markedly, sh… Raising agricultural productivity in sub-Saharan Africa 4 Introduction SETTING THE SCENE Productivity in farming in much of Africa has long been a concern, both on account of the (very) low levels of land and labour productivity across much of the continent, and because increases in productivity have been slow. Thus, by keeping all these points in mind if a farmer puts all his efforts on the field, it will surely result in improved crop productivity. Increasing your farm’s agricultural output will not be achieved overnight. 11. Increasing productivity is a tricky job. The need is to improve efficiency in the financial delivery system by controlling both transactions and risk costs. producing more in less land with less water. Fortunately, Africa has experienced continuous agricultural growth during the … This last idea would generate powerful returns. The need for the government and its partners to stimulate improved agricultural productivity through increased access to productivity-enhancing inputs (e.g., credit, fertilizers, improved seeds). 4 productivity and productive capacity-building in agriculture in the least developed countries (LDCs). Cooperative farming would help the farmer correct the present uneconomical methods of farming. Copyright 10. Although many improved varieties of seeds have been released for cultivation, their full impact has not been realized owing to poor adoption rates as well as poor seed replacement rates. In addition, a nationally debated and accepted strategy for irrigating 10 million hectares of new area under Bharat Nirman Programme should be developed. To increase crop yields, farmers are turning to a farm management concept called precision farming, which relies on IoT technologies, such as agricultural sensors, to precisely determine crop treatment. Content Guidelines 2. Technological developments in agriculture have driven long-term growth in U.S. agricultural productivity. Agricultural productivity is measured as the ratio of agricultural outputs to agricultural inputs. Population control. Credit reform is the primary pathway to enhancing small farm productivity. Agricultural universities, research institutions, krishi vigyan kendras, fertiliser... 2. Remove some to bookmark this image. Not a single thing increase yield in agriculture. Plant Early, Plant Effectively. The cost over five years adds up to around Rs400 crore in Andhra Pradesh and Rs584 crore in Rajasthan. Looks like you have exceeded the limit to bookmark the image. (i) development of the efficient water harvesting and conservation methods and technologies; (ii) suitable irrigation packages based on watershed approach; and. Oops! No 2 it's necessary that make 4/5 equal parts of land for : monthly, six months and annual croping pattern provide income, for management of practice, use of resources. According to the GAP Report, global agricultural productivity must increase by 1.75% annually to meet the demands of nearly 10 billion people in 2050. The annualized cost of the infrastructure and drainage required to fill the tanks is estimated to be about Rs4,500 per hectare, as well as another Rs2,000 for the annual operation and maintenance of the system. For this purpose, there is a need for a farming system orientation involving crop-livestock integrated production systems to both research and resource use. Planting crops season – by – season helps to extend … 10. Soil Health Enhancement: Step Away from the Computer. Lastly, to guide & advice the farmers to adopt new technology, efforts should be made for agricultural education. 1. The Central and State governments must step in to create an Agriculture-Risk Fund to provide relief to the farmers in the case of successive droughts and in areas hit by floods and heavy pest infestation. , salicomia, casuarinas and appropriate halophytic plants depend on tanks for supplementary irrigation for their kharif.! Devoted to water scarcity and its effect on Indian farmers ways to help farmers increase productivity and income! Hectares of new area under Bharat Nirman Programme should be how to increase agricultural productivity integrated systems. 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