Furthermore, the available material was studied on the tooth mark margins and holes under a microscope, which allows identifying in a first step without reflection electron microscopy or X-ray photos possibly drill or stone tool scratch marks. Instead, stone tool caused curved cut marks were found on a single cave bear femur (U. ingressus) from the latest Late Pleistocene (MIS3 cave bear layers, also Aurignacian period) of Hermann's Cave (cf. (1) Femur from Mokriška Jama Cave, Slovenia (photos adapted from [24]; NMLS collection). figure 2). Biomechanically the bone shaft (nearly conical cross section) cracks because of pressure on three sides (crushing triangle premolars). map in [19]). Microscopic analysis (cf. From the literature, new interpretations were made of the sites in the archaeological content (Neanderthal versus Aurignacian sites), and overlap in carnivore den use (hyena/wolf den—always at entrance areas) and identification as small to large cave bear dens (figure 1 and table 1). Those indeed also left, in some cases, round–oval, larger punctures in cave bear bones, but with their canines only in soft spongiosa (pelvis, vertebrae), and never in any bone shaft compacta. (a) Dorsal, (b) lateral, (c) detail of tooth mark hole (GTCP collection). [24]). The punctures/tooth impact marks are often present on both sides of the shaft of cave bear cub femora and are simply a result of non-breakage of the slightly calcified shaft compacta. One more argument for the holes to be of hyena origin (or carnivore tooth mark in general) are the tooth mark hole margins. Withering away—25000 years of genetic decline preceded cave bear extinction. The Ice Age spotted Crocuta crocuta spelaea (Goldfuss, 1823) population, their excrements and prey from the Late Pleistocene hyena den Sloup Cave in the Moravian Karst; Czech Republic. This is known due to lack of breakage on most of the cave bear cub femora, which generally show additional diagonal zigzag margins (from chewing joints by scissor teeth of hyenas) or have triangular or smaller scratch tooth marks. Therefore, there is no evidence for a Neanderthal (Mousterian) context and the cave bear remains, which even occur in several older and younger Late Pleistocene layers (cf. Amid much media fanfare, a research team in 1996 trumpeted an ancient, hollowed out bear bone pierced on one side with four complete or partial holes as the earliest known musical instrument. The ‘cave bear cub femora with holes’ are, in all cases, neither instruments nor human made at all. Did neanderthals play music? Late Pleistocene Eemian hyena and steppe lion feeding strategies on their largest prey—Palaeoloxodon antiquus Falconer and Cautley 1845 at the straight-tusked elephant graveyard and Neanderthal site Neumark-Nord Lake 1, Central Germany. Cave bear metapodials from Divje Babe Cve 1. Such mandibles were crushed always similar with damaging the ramus, or flakes of the lower distal mandible. Carnivore puncture holes in cave bear (U. s. subsp. Also, this is a large cave bear den which had again an Aurignacian camp site at the entrance, and again no Neanderthal occupation at all (cf. The detail continuous stages of cub femora puncture to breaking stages are demonstrated for the first time herein in the Weiße Kuhle Cave material (figure 6), whereas breakage is much rarer in subadult to adult femora (figures 6, 7 and 8). If the address matches an existing account you will receive an email with instructions to reset your password. Ice age spotted hyenas hunting or only scavenging on a cave bear Ursus spelaeus Rosenmüller at the Ice Age spotted hyena freeland den and prey deposit site Bad Wildungen-Biedensteg (Hessia, Germany). This explains why puncture marks are found only in cub (less 1 year) femora, and partly in subadults, whereas they are absent completely in adults, because hyenas cracked those bones into pieces with the premolar triangle teeth (i.e. Like the bone flute discovered in Slovenia last year, the 50,000-year-old tuba predates the presence of anatomically modern humans in Europe. New research shows that the ‘flute’ is actually just a bone that’s been gnawed on by a hyena (it’s unlikely that the hyena used it as a flute). Between damage stages 2 (cutting) and 3 (cracking), there are already differences in cub to adult cave bear femora (figures 6 and 7). also modern hyena impact mark pictures in [61]), (b) the margins are convex in cross-shape, and not steep-straight as with drills, (c) the corners are smooth and do not have drill/cut mark signs, at all, and (d) in most cases (figures 5–7), the antagonistic punctures/tooth marks (lower/upper jaw dentition fit) are present. General cave bear bone damage by large carnivores (lion, hyena, wolf) is present in all of those large cave bear dens. Introduction 2.1 First ‘bone flute descriptions’. Nove analize piscali iz Divji bab I (Slovenija). Sixteen carefully aligned holes dot the surface of the six-foot-long tusk. Studied and referred Late Pleistocene (MIS3–5d) European cave sites with ‘Palaeolithic cave bear pseudo-bone flutes’, and compared cave bear dens with hyena influence (hyena palaeobiogeography of 150 sites [4]). Ist der Knochen eines Höhlenbären aus Divje Babe, Slowenien, eine Flöte des Neandertalers? First ‘bone flute descriptions’ The first ‘Neanderthal cave bear bone flute’ from the Middle Palaeolithic was believed to have been discovered in the 1920s from Potočka Zijalka Jama Cave (i.e. Cave bear scavenging models in larger cave bear den caves (here Zoolithen Cave, Germany) for all three top predators that hunted, killed and scavenged on cave bears all over Europe within caves in boreal forest palaeoenvironments. Especially E. Schuhose, G. Volmer and B. Baumbach (Rübeländer Höhlenforschergruppe) and C. Hensel (cave management) supported the cave exploration and bone work in Herman's Cave. (2) Single probably canine impact of a large carnivore (lion, hyena) on a cub skull (large cave bear form U. ingressus) from the Große Teufels Cave, Germany. “Most paleoanthropologists accept that the Divje Babe ‘flute’ is a carnivore-chewed bone, but you do see it referred to as a flute from time to time,” says April Nowell, an archaeologist at the University of Victoria in Canada. eremus (smallest cave bear) and spelaeus (i.e. This sometimes overlaps with hyena dens and human camp sites at cave entrances only, where cave bear den, carnivore den and human remains are even mixed up (partly separated in layers), all over Europe due to competition for and seasonal use of cave entrances/rock shelters. [3,12–16–22,51,54,55]). That’s especially true of our planet’s countless wild species: big and small, threatened and persecuted, complex and fascinating. Jelle Atema is a Professor of Biology and Adjunct Scientist at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. [3,12–21]; figures 1 and 2), where always large amounts of damaged and also punctured cave bear bones are present, such as figured with many new examples herein for the northern German Weiße Kuhle Cave and other cave bear dens (figures 3–7). Cave bear killers, scavengers between the Scandinavian and Alpine ice shields—the last hyenas and cave bears in antagonism—and the reason why cave bears hibernated deeply in caves. [24] was incorrectly presented, using only one lower jaw premolar, although the bone crushing triangle consists of three teeth (figure 2). [2,3]) and Late Palaeolithic Aurignacian (not Neanderthal) used rock shelter camp site at the entrance (cf. Musica instrumentalis. At cave bear dens hyenas left, by periodic scavenging, up to 20% of damaged bones, whereas also lions (cave bear killers), leopards and wolves played a larger role in the cave bear hunting/scavenging, even deep in caves. Subadult cave bear femora initially flaked (femur from Hermann's Cave, Germany). Other cave bear cub femora with holes (‘bone flutes’) were then reported from the Istállóskö Cave, Hungaria (cf. [39,40]). Pleistocene bears in the Swabian Jura (Germany): genetic replacement, ecological displacement, extinctions and survival. Published by the Royal Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/, which permits unrestricted use, provided the original author and source are credited. Actually, some remains had been found earlier, but not recognised as a separate species from us. Figure 7. [6]). A middle palaeolithic origin of music? [2,3]) and Late Palaeolithic Aurignacian (not Neanderthal) used rock shelter camp site at the entrance (cf. Hermann's Cave material was analysed in the collection of the Rübeland show caves, Germany (RC), Keppler Cave material is in the Statdmuseum Menden, Germany (SMM), and Große Teufels Cave bones are kept in the show cave of the village of Pottenstein (PO). (a) Dorsal, (b) lateral, (c) detail of lateral tooth mark holes (produced by carnivore canines, best fitting to hyenas or lions) (PAL collection). Brodar [8] reported cave bear cub femora and other cave bear bones ‘with holes’ as further proof of the ‘oldest instruments in the world’ from the Mokriška Jama Cave (or Medvedja Jama Cave=Bear Cave), Slovenia. Mokriška jama, nova visokoalpska aurignaška postaja v Jugoslaviji. I guess that it's not surprising that there's rather a lot of uncertainty regarding Neanderthal artifacts. The Late Pleistocene spotted hyena Crocuta crocuta spelaea (Goldfuss 1823) population from the Zoolithen Cave at Gailenreuth (Bavaria, South Germany)—a hyena cub rising den of specialized cave bear scavengers in Boreal Forest environments of Central Europe. partly with spiral breakage, and tooth mark impact marks on the surfaces from the Perick Caves, Germany (PCH collection). figure 2). Late Pleistocene leopards across Europe—most northern European population, highest elevated records in the Alps, complete skeletons in the Dinarids and comparison to the Ice Age cave art. My thanks to Rose for “Neanderthal Bone Flute” and the accompanying observations. © 2015 The Authors. and U. ingressus) cub femora (less than 1 year individual age) from various European large cave bear den sites. A hyena tried to cut the distal joint. Studied and from literature compiled cave bear, hyena, wolf den sites with pseudo-bone flutes (i.e. U. s. eremus, U. s. spelaeussensu taxonomy of Stiller et al. New Evidence for cave bear hunting from Potočka Zijalka Cave, Slovenia. Figure 6. prey storage den type). So it’s unlikely that Neanderthals were rocking flute solos 200,000 years ago. Excavation in the cave Divje Babe I, where the Neanderthal flute was found (Wikipedia) In 2008, another discovery was made – a bone flute in the Hohle Fels cave near Ulm in Germany dating back 43,000 years. Changing patterns of carnivore modification in a landscape bone assemblage, Amboseli Park, Kenya. Stages of cave bear femur destruction by Ice Age spotted hyena. punctured cave bear cub femora), and overlap of Late Palaeolithic Aurignacian camp sites at the cave entrances, or cave bear hunt signs deep in caves. Extinctions of Late Ice Age cave bears as result of climate/habitat change and large carnivore lion/hyena/wolf predation stress in Europe. Take your passion further by supporting and driving more of the nature news you know and love. The comparison focused on the presence/absence and positions of round–oval puncture marks. Puncture holes are produced by canines (in cranium), whereas the breakage of the left mandible is the result of hyena premolar cracking teeth. [25]; figure 5(4)), where also Neanderthal Mousterian layers were believed to be present [26], was declared twice incorrectly as the ‘oldest instrument’, a 43 140 BP old ‘Neanderthal flute’ from layer 8 [26,27] (figure 5(4)). Pseudo ‘Neanderthal bone flutes’ of different aged cave bear (U. s. subsp. Oldest and most northern Late Palaeolithic cave bear hunters in Europe. The secon… ‘bone flute holotype’ figure 5(4)). partly with spiral breakage, and tooth mark impact marks on the surfaces from the Weiße Kuhle Cave, Germany (PAL collection). Figure 2. We know of at least 36 instances where Neanderthals buried their dead, often with flowers and other items suggesting religious ceremony. Unlike the hyena 'chew toys' identified in the study, these flutes show clear evidence of tool work and resemble modern instruments. [68]). (1) Cub skull (small cave bear form U. spelaeus eremus) from the Weiße Kuhle Cave, Germany, which was scavenged strongly on the left side. Found by archeologist Ivan Turk in a Neanderthal campsite at Divje Babe in northwestern Slovenia, this instrument (above) is estimated to be over 43,000 years old and perhaps as much as 80,000 years old. List of fossil faunal remains from Potočka zijalka (Slovenia). Potočka zijalka: visokoalpska postaja aurignacienskih lovcev (Potočka zijalka—eine hochalpine Aurignacienjäger-Station). These are not instruments, nor human made, but products of the most important cave bear scavengers of Europe, hyenas. Experimental manufacture of the bone flute of with stone tools. [61]). Holotype skulls, stratigraphy, bone taphonomy and excavation history in the Zoolithen Cave and new theory about Esper's ‘great deluge’. German sites are Hermann's Cave, Perick Caves, especially a large population of small (Ursus spelaeus eremus) and large cave bears (Ursus ingressus) and large amount of material in different destruction stages from the Weiße Kuhle Cave, but also some relevant bones from the den sites Keppler Cave, Zoolithen Cave, Sophie's Cave, Große Teufels Cave and the Czech Sloup Cave. These old ‘cave bear cannibalistic models’ were already revised, with many arguments not to be existent, including the top predators as bone damagers (including human bones) in Europe (e.g. Hyenas and other carnivores are rarely found at the ‘scavenging sites’, including caves and cave bear dens, because they are only found there when they occupied the cave entrances as (a) cub raising, (b) communal or (c) prey depot dens (cf. Cutting off the joints is recognized in all age classes of cave bears. 652 de Divje Babe I et arguments pour la défense des specimens pb51/20 et pb606 du MNM de Budapest. In a world bursting with news, nature is our niche – and we love it that way. The bone was clearly fashioned by man - no other … How to assess the acoustic significance of archaeological evidence. ‘bone flute holes’ (composed and adapted from [4,14,15,22,23]; illustrations G. Teichmann). [13,20,21]), and ‘cave bear bone flutes’ would have been, if such, from modern human layers, in all cases. 2.1. The Engis child from Belgiumwas the first Neanderthal discovered, in 1829. (1–4) Cub humeri from the Weiße Kuhle Cave, Germany. [73]), because all ‘fragmented’ bones were simply declared as due to ‘sediment pressure’. (4) Femur from Divje Babe Cave 1—‘the Neanderthal bone flute holotype’, Slovenia (photos from NMLS collection). The bone crusher of longbones was only the Ice Age spotted hyena, which produced round/oval puncture marks on cave bear cub bones by the bone crushing premolar teeth, i.e. figures 4–7). The larger the distal femur joint has been, the more diagonal this was cut. In 1996, excavation of a Neanderthal cave site in northwestern Slovenia uncovered, what appears to be, the section of a transverse flute made from the femur bone of a young bear. figures 5 and 6, and e.g. These predators specialized in consuming mainly (and especially in winter times during cave bear hibernation) cave bears in boreal forest mountain regions, but in different ways and with different impact on the carcasses and bone destruction (cf. [1]; figure 1). However, with the herein used Weiße Kuhle material being very representative for a large cave bear den, puncture holes are found in the cave bear cub humerus (4×), ulna (0×), radius (2×), femur (13×) and tibia (5×). ‘Pseudo-bone flutes’ are not in Middle Palaeolithic archaeological, but of Late Palaeolithic and cave bear den context with large carnivore influence. indicator of absence of hyenas in alpine regions, and proof of holes made only by hyenas which are found only in middle high elevated mountain regions [19]). Europe's first Upper Pleistocene Crocuta crocuta spelaea (Goldfuss, 1823) skeleton from the Konìprusy Caves—a hyena cave prey depot site in the Bohemian Karst (Czech Republic)—Late Pleistocene woolly rhinoceros scavengers. Time travelers have gone back in time and watched Neanderthals play the bone flute on a full diatonic scale. impact circles, cf. For some the results are not that surprising. This even allows reconstruction, in some cases in detail, the tooth mark of the upper and lower jaw teeth of hyenas—the last tooth mark of the premolar bone crushing triangle of the powerful jaws of the last hyenas of Europe. Also the figure of bone crushing by Turk et al. "I think a Neanderthal master craftsman must have used a stone awl to hollow out the tusk and to punch the holes," says Todkopf. Die oberpleistozäne Population von Ursus spelaeus Rosenmüller 1794 aus dem eiszeitlichen Fleckenhyänenhorst Perick-Höhlen von Hemer (Sauerland, NW Deutschland). All aforementioned femora and other cave bear bones with ‘holes’ (i.e. Examples of the destruction stages of femora of cave bear cubs, subadult to adult cave bears (U. s. subsp. helped in the Perick Cave exploration and bone dump work. Her first book of poems, Bundle o’ Tinder, was selected by Richard Wilbur for the 2007 Anthony Hecht Poetry Prize, and will be published by Waywiser Press in November this year. Subadult cave bear femora initially flaked (femur from Hermann's Cave, Germany). Rose Kelleher lives in Maryland. I thank for the study support of material from Sophie's Cave Mrs S. Dess. However, the main ‘bone destructor’ is known to be the European Ice Age spotted hyena [19] (figure 2), with cave bear bone damage first understood at the overlapping hyena den (cave entrance) and cave bear den of the Perick Caves [50–52], with newer proof at Sophie's Cave [21,22], and Hermann's Cave [16] or Zoolithen Cave [18] and herein best demonstrated and newly added for the Weiße Kuhle Cave (figures 3, 4, 6 and 7). Published by the Royal Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (i.e. The Neanderthal Flute, found in the cave of Divje Babe in Slovenia, is thought to date back at least 50,000 years, making it the oldest known musical instrument in the world. A study in Royal Society Open Science says that so called 'Neanderthal bone flutes' are no more than the damaged bones of cave bear cubs left by scavengers during the Ice Age. There are two things we can all agree on, though: we hope someday to uncover the true origin of the Divje Babe bone flute, and musical instruments certainly rank among the greatest inventions of members of the genus Homo. Rather than being a flute with finger holes made by a Neanderthal (Turk, 1997), this is a natural object modified by a large carnivore (Albrecht et al., 1998; d'Errico et al., 1998). (a) Dorsal, (b) lateral, (c) detail of lateral tooth mark holes (produced by carnivore canines, best fitting to hyenas or lions) (PAL collection). Cave bear bones and archaeological layers are therefore not exactly isochronous in several cases (even mixed due to possibly bioturbation by cave bears building their nests, or burrowing porcupines or digging Ice Age spotted hyenas; cf. and U. ingressus) cub femora: (1–7) puncture, (8–9) part-flake, (10–14) full breakage-flakes—all with puncture holes or half preserved holes after splitting in flakes—of different aged cave bear cub femora (less than 1 year individual age) and different species (U. s. eremus and U. ingressus)—all from the Weiße Kuhle Cave, Germany (PAL collection). Pieces for the Aurignacians–Gravettians [ 5,22,23,57 ], whereas the illustrations are from Teichmann! Of different aged cave bear den sites ‘ Neanderthalerflote ’ von Divje-Babe: eine in... Indeed, neither historically, nor any carnivores mentioned use canines for ‘ bone from. However ( e.g PAL collection ) neanderthal bone flute. types: ( a ) Dorsal, ( ). 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