Our courses are effective, fun, practical, well designed, and delivered by trainers with significant experience. The KPI Institute`s Research Library is the meeting point of all professionals interested in accessing first-hand performance related research! I bought it for my company. PDF File: Kpi Mega Library 36000 Key Performance Indicators - PDF-KML3KPI-12-15 2/2 Kpi Mega Library 36000 Key Performance Indicators This type of Kpi Mega Library 36000 Key Performance Indicators can be a very detailed document. The KPI Library database of 6500+ performance indicators and measures examples and templates is still growing on a daily basis. var addy_text98884 = 'info' + '@' + 'kpimegalibrary' + '.' + 'com'; External trade of other manufactured goods, # of the customers requesting direct support, % of claims settled within 30 working days, % of claims that received a response within 2 working days, % of consumers informed about protection services, % of customers satisfied with consumer protection services, % of settlement of the issues within 30 working days, % settlement of the issues within 30 working days, # of financial subsidiaries in other countries, % of compliance to international best-practice, Interests payable and similar charges by product, Interests receivable and similar income by product, Total of local wages and salaries by region, # of classification of the targeted foreign investor, # of global ranking of nation in international investment, % completion of planned promotional campaigns, % increase in Foreign Direct Investment (%), % of free trade agreement proposals reviewed, Total direct investment flows as % of GDP, Total direct investment stocks as % of GDP, % growth in non-oil sector contribution to GDP, % increase in contribution of non-oil sectors to GDP, Government Consumption Expenditure (% of GDP), Real value added in agriculture, forestry and fishing, Value added in agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing, Value added in in transport, trade, hotels and restaurants, Value added in industry, including energy, # of advanced analytical tool to support policy development, # of implemented new policy in the private sector, # of policy issues raised/identified economic committee, # of reviews conducted by private sector board members, % total national public spending expenditure on services, % increase in contribution to federal budget, % increase in employment in the private sector, % increase in foreign direct Investment (FDI), % land used that fit the needs of communities, % of capacity utilization in manufacturing industry, # of barriers met for engaging in international sourcing, # of implanted projects /year in other countries, % of customers satisfied with the supporting services, % of events and promotional campaigns carried out, % of local businesses aware of supporting services, Contributions to GDP growth: non-ICT capital, # of insurance companies broken down by legal status, # of insurance companies broken down by products, # of insurance companies by geographical breakdown, # of insurance companies by type of enterprise, % of modernization initiatives implemented, Insurance, # of persons employed by type of enterprises, Insurance, gross claims payments by type of enterprise, Insurance, gross premiums written by type of enterprise, # of private-public workshops & meetings organized, # of studies completed and recommendation proposed, % accuracy of projections related to key national accounts, % examine of companies and industries as required by law, % licenses issued according to the laws and regulations, % of effectively applied federal regulations locally, % of execution of internal policies and legal requirements, # of transactions of license renewal within 1 working day, % of customers satisfied with trade license services, % of issued trade licenses conforming to laws and regulations, % of new trade licenses processed within 5 working days, % of trade license renewals processed electronically, % of trade license renewals processed within 2 working days, # of entry level qualifications in numeracy achieved, % flows on to incapacity benefits from employment, General government deficit (-) and surplus (+), Stock of domestic suppliers debt as % of GDP, VAT reimbursements taking less than 30 days, # of enterprises in manufacturing with 10-19 employees, # of industrial new orders for capital goods, # of industrial new orders for intermediate goods, # of industrial new orders for non-durable consumer goods, # of new products entering the market that are certified, % employment increase in manufacturing sector, % growth in manufacturing activities value added, % of industrial turnover of capital goods, % of industrial turnover of manufacturing, Total industrial labor input in manufacturing, Total industrial production of manufacturing, # of local manufacturing companies processing minerals, % of mining companies complying with environmental rules, Value of receipts generated by small-scale mining, # of innovating enterprises supported by government, # of patent applications by institutional sector, # of patent applications by IPC sections and classes, # of patent applications by sector of economic activity, # of patent applications with foreign co-inventors, % of biotechnology patents granted at the national level, Consumer price index at constant tax rates, Convergence of interests rates by type of loan, Industrial import prices - total industry, # of independent subsidiary to implement projects, # of persons assisted with improved access to a facility, # of persons assisted with new access to infrastructure, # of persons served by a public facility or infrastructure, # of persons with improved access to service, # of persons with service that is no longer substandard, # of units occupied by first-time homebuyers, % of downtown homes sold compared per year, % of supply of ready to develop housing sites, Average # of mortgage licensees and registrants, # of enterprises with innovation activity, # of entrepreneurs using developed technologies, # of innovating enterprises with abolished projects, # of knowledge intensive services at the national level, % of deviation of main statistics with those from other sources, % of enterprises with innovation activity, R&D expenditure at national and regional level, Research and development personnel by sectors, % of construction broken down by employment size, % of customer's satisfaction of the supporting services, % of enterprises having received orders on-line, % portfolio profitability of funded companies over 3 years, Cumulative capital intensive industrial fund portfolio, Total manufacturing broken down by employment size, % of districts participating in a student record system, % of federal programs approved for funding, % of jobs with job descriptions and grading structure, % of local districts receiving desk audits annually, % of organizational structure developed and in place, % of relevant age group receiving full-time education, # of centers attaining center of distinction or recognition, # of providers participating in the homes program, # of standards of care program training attendees, # of mathematics, science and technology enrolments, # of persons with low educational attainment, # of schools on the needs improvement list, # of students enrolled at academy for the blind, # of students enrolled at school for the deaf, # of total educational institutions enrolment, % of private schools in relation to % public schools, % utilization rate of educational institutions (seats), Average capital costs per student by college, # education fund spend in total (% of GDP), Expenditure on education in constant prices, Expenditure on education in current prices, Expenditure on public educational institutions, Expenditure per student in tertiary education, Private expenditure on education as % of GDP, Share of public expenditure on educational institutions, Total investments in education and training, Total public expenditure on education (per capita), # of participations in formal education by age, # of participations in formal education by degree, # of participations in formal education by sex, Fields of study in formal education by working status, # of participations in informal learning by age, # of participations in informal learning by degree, # of participations in informal learning by working status, Computer based learning participants by age, Participants studying in libraries or learning centers, Self studying (with printed materials) participants by age, # of participations in learning activities by age, # of participations in learning activities by degree, # of participations in learning activities by economic activity, # of participations in learning activities by occupation, # of participations in learning activities by size of the local unit, # of participation in non formal education/training by age, # of participation in non formal education/training by degree, # of participation in non formal education/training by sex, # of participation in non formal taught activities within paid hours, # of participation of employed persons - computers, # of participation of employed persons - foreign languages, # of participation of employed persons by occupation, # of participation of employed persons by sex, # of participation within paid working hours, Mean volume of hours in non formal training, Mean volume of hours in non formal education, Mean volume of hours per participant by field of learning, Mean volume of hours per participant by sex, # maturity of online public service delivery, # of public searches of electronic databases, % of customers who get the information they need, % of libraries submitting annual survey data, % of overall satisfaction with library services, % of public libraries meeting key standards, % of public libraries open 45 hours or more per week, # of curriculum ready with internship component, # of established student exchange programs, # of industry investments in direct strategic research, # of survey that address national identity, % of districts with approved career development plans, # of students by modern foreign language studied, # of students by study intensity (full-time, part-time), # of students by type of institutions (private or public), # of teens not attending school and not working, # of tertiary students by field of education, % of teens not attending school and not working, % of produced standardized test for student performance, % tertiary attainment for age group 25-34, % tertiary attainment for age group 35-64, Mean scores on the mathematics scale in PISA, Standard error on the mathematics scale in PISA, Standard error on the mathematics scale in PISA: females, Standard error on the mathematics scale in PISA: males, Standard error on the science scale in PISA, Standard error on the science scale in PISA: females, Standard error on the science scale in PISA: males, # of advisory body established for industries, # of school graduates that are recruited by local industry, # of school leavers that are recruited by local industry, # of schools making adequate yearly progress, % distribution of graduates by qualification major, % of International curricula developed and implemented, % of recent school graduates in further education, % of school leavers not in education (by employment status), School completion rate as scheduled (time), # of customer satisfaction surveys established, # of establishments with employment manual, # of full time professional advisers and trainers, % of 8th graders proficient or higher in mathematics, % of 8th graders proficient or higher in science, % of practitioners who are appropriately licensed, % of schools meeting accreditation standards, Net Enrolment ratio - from grade x - to grade x, Student teacher ratio from grade x - to grade x, # of teachers and trainers by age distributions, # of teachers recruiting events held annually, # of teaching certificate transactions annually, % of teacher qualification and certification, % of teachers stays abroad as % of academic staff, % of teachers who have completed training, % of teachers with technology certification, % teachers who have passed their ICT test, % mentored youth who establish in employment, % mentored youth who improved their results, Youth education attainment level by gender, # of initiated community biodiesel fueling station, % of construct electric vehicle recharging facilities, % of conversion to compressed natural gas (CNG), % of utilize hydrogen or fuel cell vehicles, Gross inland consumption of primary energy, % improvement on infrastructure - electricity, % improvement on infrastructure - renewables, % of implement district heating and cooling, % of install energy-efficient power production facilities, Gas - domestic consumers - half-yearly prices, Gas - industrial consumers - half-yearly prices, Natural gas prices for large industrial consumers, % of adopt a high performance local energy code, % of adopt strict commercial energy code requirements, % of adopt strict residential energy code requirements, % of distribute loans to citizens to make energy improvements, % of implement energy efficient new public housing projects, % of implement energy efficient of low-income housing, % of perform energy efficiency retrofits of existing facilities, % of require energy upgrades of facilities at time of sale, % of decrease average daily time street lights are on, % of institute a lights-out-at-night policy, % of offer a halogen torchiere lamp exchange, % of energy conservation through businesses, % of energy conservation through residents, % of green building practices through incentives, % of participation in a local green business program, % of limit idling of government operations vehicles, % of limit idling of heavy equipment vehicles, % of limit idling of local transit buses and school buses, % of create high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes, % of high school students with free bus passes, % of implement a police on bicycles program, % of implement bus rapid transit or shuttle programs, % of improve / expand pedestrian infrastructure, % of parking or lane incentives for hybrid vehicles, % of procurement of smaller fleet vehicles, % of retrofit school buses with oxidation catalysts, % of retrofit school buses with particulate traps, % of utilize fuel-efficient vehicles for parking enforcement, # of consumption of petroleum products (tones), % of contribution of renewables to energy supply, Nuclear electricity generation, terawatts, # of amusement ride safety inspections conducted, # of LP gas facility inspections conducted, # of petroleum field inspections conducted, % in full compliance with safety requirements, % of LP gas facilities found in compliance, % of petroleum products meeting quality standards, % of regulated weighing and measuring devices with scanners, # of technologies developed to increase in energy efficiency, # of technologies with NOx emissions < .15 lbs per MWh, % of hydrogen system using solid state storage technologies, # of employment in oil pipeline enterprises, Total carrying capacity of pipelines operated, Total investment in oil pipeline infrastructure, Total oil pipeline transport within the national territory, % of energy generation from landfill methane, % of install solar photovoltaic (PV) panels, % consumption of CFCs and halons over time, % main road links with acceptable air quality levels, % of air quality levels – SO2, NO2, O3 and CO, % of consumption of HCFCs and methyl bromide, % usage of diesel containing 50 ppm sulphur, # increase in awareness programs conducted, # increase of people informed through outreach, # of initiatives to promote environmental responsibility, # of programs developed for different target groups, # of respondents to the awareness campaign, # sponsored organizations dedicated to CSR, % of society’s level of positive environmental behavior, % increase of compliance of marine regulations, % increase of fisheries resource key species, % increase of key marine ecosystems and habitats, % increase of protected areas as % of total areas, % of all public beaches that are monitored, # of acres certified for public shellfish harvest, # of species assessed (status of species), Marine protected area (% of surface area), # of improved street and environmental cleanliness, # of properties cleaned up using brownfields funding, # of residual household waste per household, % of household waste sent for reuse and recycling, % of households living in proclaimed townships/areas, # of household energy efficiency products provided, Greenhouse gas emissions (tones CO2 equivalents), Total emissions from production into the environment, Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) (t/year), # of total ratified environmental treaties, % of companies complying with radiation right practices, % overall regulatory compliance performance, Penalties resulting from environmental non-compliance, % of vehicles in line with target emission standards, % reduction of cancer causing toxic pollutant emissions, Average carbon dioxide emissions of vehicles, Carbon dioxide emissions per capita (ODP tons), HFCs emissions (1000 Tones CO2 Equivalent), # of acres covered by a forest management plan, # of online and automated burn permits issued, % of maintained area of forest plantation, % of protected area under forest plantation, % of tree planting for carbon storage & heat island, # of facilities with final remedies constructed, # of facilities with human exposures under control, # of individuals in the regulated community reached, # of risk management plan audits completed, % gap in processing of medical hazardous waste, % of recycled hazardous operational waste, # of organizations with ISO 14001 certifications, # of responding to external emergency notification, % completion of a implementation framework, % completion of EHSMS regulatory framework, # of additional homes built with radon-resistant construction, # of additional homes with operating mitigation systems, # of additional schools mitigated with radon-resistant, # of homes built with radon-resistant new construction, # of schools mitigated or built with radon-resistant, % of reports with performance air measures, # of components of domestic material consumption, Current environmental expenditure by industry, Current environmental expenditure by the public sector, Distribution of environmental investment by industry, Domestic material consumption by material, Total area under agri-environmental commitment, Total environmental expenditure by the public sector, Total environmental investment by industry, Total environmental protection expenditure, # of total annual green houses emissions in Co2 equivalent, % encroachment in wildlife protection area, % extent of protected forest areas (ha) million, % increase of amount of domestic waste ending up in dumps, % of deforestations (# of HAs per annum cut down), % of domestic waste generation per capita (in tons per yr), % reduction in the rate of infestation of invasive alien species, # of environmental performance Indicators, # of governance indicators (sustainability management), % completion of noise baseline data project, % completion of recruitment of required manpower, % implementation of the system at Federal level, % installation of radiation detection gates, # of park, recreation and historic site visitation, % average annual occupancy at park cottages, % of customer comments with experience was excellent, % of hunters rate hunting experience as satisfactory, # of combined sewer overflow (CSO) permits, # of enforcement of environmental regulation, # of pollution problems that affect the economy, % of establish / expand business recycling programs, % of establish / expand curbside recycling programs, % of establish / expand recycling programs, % reduced paper consumption due to duplexing, # of cities adopted the voluntary management guidelines, # of public system backups per 1,000 service connections, Average cost per foot of sewer pipe jet cleaned, # of residential waste disposed per household, # of vehicles and mechanical equipment in service, % of capacity of the landfill consumed per year, % of yard waste collection and composting, Average % of vehicles and equipment in service, Average tons of recycling collected per account, # of cited violations under the clean water act, # of facilities covered under industrial storm water permit, Average cost per foot of drainage pipe cleaned, % decrease in water and energy consumption, % of enforcement of environmental regulation, % of surface area protected for biodiversity, Quality of life index (Based on an index from 0 to 10), Reduced # of violations of environmental regulations, Water consumption per day per capita (lit/day/person), Water consumption per hector in agricultural zones, Water consumption per hector in the forestry sector, # of asbestos inspections conducted under government authority, # of asbestos inspections conducted with EPA credentials, # of inspections conducted with EPA credentials, % increase rate of significant operational compliance, % of deep injection wells used for salt solution mining, % of deep injection wells used to enhance oil recovery, % of deep injection wells used to inject industrial waste, % of identified closed motor vehicle waste disposal wells, # of Kg of household waste collected per head, % of recycled non-hazardous operational waste, Per capita daily domestic waste generation, Total generation of waste by economic activity, Total generation of waste by waste category, Total hazardous waste generated by households, Total non-hazardous waste generated by households, Total waste sent to landfill & incineration, # of landfill of sewage sludge from urban waste water, % capacity of urban waste water treatment plants, % composting of sewage sludge from urban waste water, % gap in processing municipal waste (household waste), % incineration of sewage sludge from urban waste water, % of Ammonia in treated wastewater effluent, % of generation intensities of municipal waste, % treatment capacity of waste water treatment plants, Sewage sludge production and disposal per capita, Total amount generated of municipal waste, Total generation and discharge of waste water, Total sewage sludge production and disposal, Total sewage sludge production from urban waste water, # of new appropriate sanitary facilities provided, # of wastewater management categorization, # of wastewater quality monitoring systems, # of wells identified in significant violation of regulations, % providing the community with sewerage services, # of public disclosure requests processed, % of customers' perception of service quality, % of performance related pay in use by all gov. 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